I have a collection of 2785 ttf fonts and a few thousand Type1 too, I only included 1/3 of the true type files, due to bandwidth, an extremely large download, and it also would not be practical.
If someone wants the full collection, I will put it up on the web and give it to whoever e-mails me, it is not practical to have that many fonts, it will slow down some programs and it will make it too hard to choose

I have done the most tedious part, downloading and uncompressing thousands of fonts, I hope that some of you guys can give a helping hand for the refined version.
First download the fonts from adradu.crosswinds.net to your home directory. Second open up a shell and type ?gzip -tv ttf.gz? to test the integrity of the file. If passed keep following these instructions, if it didn't try downloading the fonts all over again. Third open up a shell and type ?gzip -d ttf.gz? . Now go to your home directory , if your using Konqueror or Nautilus to manage your file you can do it drag and drop style! Click the ttf.tar archive just created in your home directory or wherever the default place for extraction is and drag the called ?Fonts? from the .tar to wherever you want outside the same window, be sure to remember where you placed it.
To install the fonts, just go to the KDE Control Center ->System -->Font Installer and follow the simple instructions presented.
If you use Mandrake you will need to go to Mandrake Control Center -> System -> Fonts and follow the easy instructions presented.
To get these the fonts in SO 6 working, copy the fonts into home/yourname/staroffice6.0/share/fonts/truetype/
Finally, log out and press Alt + E to restart X. Congratulations, you have installed about a thousand new fonts!
Happy Downloading!

Ratings & Comments
I have downloaded a large number of fonts (~1000) and have installed them in my home directory. I then have two problems: 1> As I'm not familiar with all the fonts, searching for the font I need is a pain. 2> KDE takes a long time at login to register all the fonts. Please tell me what I can do to alleviate these problems.
Can someone who downloaded the fonts upload it somewhere or start a free ttf fonts project on sf.net ?
I'm constantly hitting my daily bandwidth quota, so something is going to have to change. Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to split the files up even further, and have packages of fonts. I will take screenshots of my using those fonts from those packages, and you will be able to browse those screen shots. You'll take just the ones you want and no more.
tell me the exact size of that archive? An MD5-sum would also not be bad... THX
Anyone know why Redhat 8.0 removed the Font Installer from the KDE Config Center? I can't find it anymore! Doh.
I have a mirror of the fonts, if anyone is interested. This should help to alleviate the load on crosswinds, which seems really slow.
It's here: http://rhorn.unixcab.org/ttf.gz
would have taken an eternity on Crosswinds ^_^ so thanx for mirroring this. And thank you WinterWolf for putting this all together.......I need some new fonts, but am just to busy to go and hunt for them. --ZennouRyuu
Some people might not be able to download for the next day or so. I just found out that I have a 50MB daily quota, and I ended up going over this. I'm going to split the file up into two 35MB pieces and upload them one at a time per day, so the last half won't be available until the 26th. Sorry for any inconvenience, it's just the way my site works. PS I will update the URL when each piece is uploaded.
You can get the first half of the fonts here: http://rhorn.unixcab.org/Fonts1.tar.bz2 MD5 Sum: 39cb03a384b88c831803b21d632c725f
thanks your help, I was finally able to install these fonts ;-) thx, greetings, GM
Managed to extract 194 .ttf files, upto MSMINCHO.TTF, when tar gave up. tar: Skipping to next header tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors Reks
Is there any chance you can post the MD5 checksum of the file?
complete now, but: gzip: ttf.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated What to do now?
I just saw, the archive WAS incomplete... unfortunately Mozilla-DLM claimed, it was all complete (72 MB), but in reality it was only 17 MB... cheers, Goamaus
ever work. "Unexpected end of file", equal, which option I use...
I just re-uploaded it. I don't understand how it disappeared though.
Obviously somebody downloaded the file (Sorry Icouldn't resist this, thanks for the fonts).
Okay, now I'm confused. I don't see a ttf.gz file anywhere. The only one I can download is the Fonts.tar.bz2, and doesn't unzip correctly. Maybe I'm just dense.
What window decoration are you using?
What's your window decoration (on screenshots) ?
au come one...where did it go? where can it be had?
Yeah, rename ttf.gz to Fonts.tar.gz, and then 'tar zxvf' that bad boy. Works fine for me.
it still dosen't work for me
... see and install the Xft hack from http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~dchest/xfthack/ It improves the TTF font rendering A LOT! Installation is very easy, just exchange the lib-files and restart X. For SuSE 8.1 it seems that one needs to exchange libfreetype.so *and* libxft.so. So use both packages from that page. D.