I converted this very famous font from another OS to make it useable under Linux - KDE.
Don't know if someone else did it before because i couldn't find that font for Linux. There is another font called Lucida but it is in no way so clean and smooth as this one.
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Could you post your colorscheme too? I played with some osxish schemes but my scrollbar never look properly or I seem not to be able to chose the right blue either :-/ Thank you and ...nice font :-)
I apreciate every font that's been made available wich can be used in linux. What I find troubeling is the license wich may be needed to use these fonts.... Maybe people can find good gpl fonts wich can replace the M$ fonts????
I've always thought that the Lucida series was copyrighted by Sun Microsystems to use as part of Java applications. Sun, hence "Lux" hence "Lucid" hence "Lucida". By that, it should be freely redistributable under one of Sun's many licenses
if you look at my window decoration you can guess ...
Already changed my default from verdana to lucida grande. Great font, thank you!
Tis' a great font.