4 x Debian
4 x Knoppix
4 x Kubuntu
2 x Ubuntu
Hopefully theres more on the way so let me know if you want one for your particular distro. Enjoy!

I place them in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/tiles if you want easy access to them from the Konqueror "Background Settings" drop box. Your distro might have a different path.
Update: V0.2 now includes two extra DebianSwirl backgrounds thanks to rufuseddy - check out some more of his great works here: http://kde-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=rufuseddy
Plus 8 x Gentoo backgrounds by myself, released earlier in their own package.
Ratings & Comments
These are nice. How about some non distro tiles, say take the icons that appear when the "folder icons reflect contents" view setting is checked and make a tile set like these (I would but I'm not artistic at all). Basically a camera image for the background of a pictures folder, speaker image for the a music or mp3 folder, etc.
how about one for gentoo? :)
Hope you can use them! http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=26155
Edit: they are now included in this pack. :)
Mhh, I found my Konqueror tiles under /opt/kde3/apps/konqueror/tiles Also, I found you can just add them by going straight to Konqueror and finding your backrounds. Just don't move them, so place them someplace where they'll be permanently. Kudos. Pascal
Ah, thanks for the info. I am still quite new to Linux.