most recent versions (actually, 4.3 pre versions) of the Xfree86 X server.
If you're using qt/kde, be sure to read these posts on (and the
relative comments, which are quite interesting):
Unless you read these and follow the instructions provided in there it is very
likely that you'll be able to exploit only partially every cursor theme.
Please, provide feedback if you want this theme to be completed.
As the cursors are quite large (50x50) it is suggested to use them at high
resolutions (>=1280x1024).
Credits go to uga (
and his pioneeristic cursor theme

Ratings & Comments
Great theme and keep up the good work!
The only thing I don't like, and this applies to most of the new cursor themes I've seen, is that the drop shadow is spaced too far away from the cursor. I think may be a 2 - 3 pixel shift should be adequate. As it is, the shadow distracts from the main cursor image. Otherwise, i like it. :)
I like your colour scheme. ^_^ What you have here looks promising. Keep it up.
There is no index.theme file in download. but it could be fixed by adding ~/.icons/crystal/index.theme containing: [Icon Theme] Inherits=whiteglass btw. great cursors, i hope You'll finish this theme :-)
Good ones! Nice to see that someone else has done some theme. I thought I was the only one that needed a change :-P By the way.... I've been unable to replace the Drag n' Drop cursor... which is not taken from whiteglass nor redglass.... Please let me know if you find it
If these exist it is because of your theme :) I'll let you know if I discover what to do with the dnd cursor. Thanks :) Daniele