Suggestion: remove screenshots from frontpage

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It looks like something like 70% if not even more of the content on here k.l.o is screenshots of peoples' desktops. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see beautiful shots now and then but enough is enough. Personally when I come to this site I come to look for new styles, themes, icons etc, not screenshots.

So, I suggest the shots are removed from the frontpage and trhown to their own section, and frontpage only shows actual content by default.

Thanks webmasters for nice site, hope you read and listen to the ideas

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I see there's 'All but screenshots' selection on the right now, nice addition, thanks a lot :)


...and one more suggestion: could these [back] links be cared to not resubmitting the comment again after clicking them? (who knows about this bug, does not use it, who doesn't know about it is confused...) btw: message board (e.g. for site related suggestions) would be also fine and not too hard to create one imho...


I think if could be an excellent Idea if all of us can filter the home page with a sort of cookie, adding or removing categories, and how to watch them, etc, etc... Lot of people loves screenies, other not... Why anyone can choose what they want to see ??? It's my opinion... Sergio


Yes that would be great to edit the profile so that only the content you would like to see is visible. Of course the content box on the left you can choose what you want to see, but I wouldn't want to browse each category every time I enter the site to see fresh content instead of just scrolling down the frontpage :)


excellent idea north; really appreciated


I don't quite like the current ratio of screenshots on the site as opposed to other content, but I must also, at the same time, say that a lot of the screenshots I've seen here, though most aren't very original, do look quite good. Moving them from the frontpage could render them 'invisible' for most poeple -- couldn't it instead be a good idea to list the latest three screenshots or so last on the page... that way, they are still there and updated, but they don't interfere as heavily with the 'adaptable' content that does show up on the site. Furthermore, couldn't a 'Tutorial' section be a good thing to see in the future? There have been four or so tutorials as far as I can see in the last few days and I'm certain more will be written as new questions are asked. I like helping out, but I also realize that tutorials are currently listed as regular items, while they might only be interesting to a small or specific group of people (as is the case with my Nvidia Cursor Shadow text). I'm really just thinking aloud here. Feel free to dismiss my ramblings if they're too far-fetced. :')


Yes he is right. These masses of screenshots divert from the real content on this site. When you're searching for real new stuff, you have to click through thousands of similar looking and mostly not innovative screenshots. That could not be the sence of this site. Besides that much thanks to the maintainers of you've build up a great Place.


you have to click through thousands .... what is wrong with content box on the right side?


I would rather they stayed! However it wouldn't be a bad idea to be able to edit the way the contents page looks based by your profile.


I'm with you dave >>

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