Flat (Extras Pack)

Various Stuff

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IMPORTANT - if upgrading from a previous installation of the Flat extras pack, you must first run "uninstall1b.sh, before installing this new version!

Here is my secret project - my plan to flatten KDE desktops around the world...

The perfect addition to the Flat desktop style has arrived - the Flat extras pack. My quest for total integration of Flat into KDE continues...

This is no ordinary release: this package installs the following -

* Flat kde splash screen
* Flat colour scheme
* Flat Backgrounds
* Flat KDM icons
* Flat application splash screens for amarok, kverbos, kbear, umbrello, kstars, kdenlive, kontact
* Flat image integration for KControl, KBugbuster, bookcase, crash dialog, juk, kalzium, kaudiocreator, kbear, kchart, password dialog box,
shutdown dialog box, wizard dialog box, keduca, kgpg, kmenu side image, kiosktool, kmailcvt, konqueror, kpresenter, krfb and ksim.

Backups are made of the old images, for use with the uninstall script.

The screenshots show examples of the integration of Flat images.

I do not think that anything like this has been released before.
Many of the images have not yet been created, but this package will become more comprehensive as time passes.

Standard disclaimer: Although the install.sh/uninstall.sh scripts have been tested, I cannot be held responsible for any problems resulting in the use of this package. These scripts must be run with root priviliges, as they copy image files to program directories. I do not advise complete beginners to use this package.


Unzip the package
Put the "flat-extras" folder in /tmp
Open up konsole
Type "su", and then your root password
Type "sh install.sh"
The script will now install the images.

KDE may need to be restarted for some changes to occur.

To uninstall, run the "uninstall.sh" script as above. Your system will then be restored to it's previous state.

I await your feedback...

Thanks for the generous hosting Telex!!!
Last changelog:

0.2 - Added an initial version of my Flat k3b theme. New ksplash themes, along with several other significant additions...

0.1b - changed the script to automatically locate your kde directory. Added a few kstars and bookcase images.

0.1 - Initial Release.

Ratings & Comments



Hi, I've tried everything I can, I've tried the extra pack, as well as the flat splash by itself, but although in kcontrol I can select it and test it and it works. The splash refuses to work... I simply get the default splash at every kde login...help? love flat though, thank you.


Thanks to telex, my stuff is now back online. Thanks to everyone for not downvoting my stuff whilst I have been sorting this out... Happy downloading!


******** 12/06/04 - My webspace is down! If any one can provide webspace for my 10mb iconset, I will be extremely grateful! Thanks, Danny. ********


Kile uses some extra icons for its tools and a splash screen. Could you please add these to the extras pack? The icons can be found in /usr/share/apps/kile/pics/


Sure, I will try and add these tonight - I need to fix the suse install scripts anyway. I will tell you when I have added them...


This is awesome! The install worked perfectly and the only errors were the script trying to install the stuff for programs that I don't have. Can't wait for the next version.


Astonsing. Amazinig. Wow. Whoa. You see, we need and I emphasize NEED more artist like him.


danny, i can help you with scripts and such. do you icq? if yes, whats the number. if no, where can i find your mail?


Well, my email address is dannya40uk at yahoo.co.uk I don't really go on ICQ or such... Thanks for the offer! :)


Whow! talk about a thorough job. I hope this works as an inspiration to other theme, icon and splashscreen artists. I love the concept of a full set that's easily installable.


Thanks - I do not think that this idea has been explored before, and when thinking of the best way to bundle all of these images, I just wrote the script - my first one! I think it has turned out ok :) I will continue expanding this pack, just need suggestions for missing images/splash screens...


... installation script is really suxx :( --- as I c it could work in 2 modes: a) user -- install everything into user home .kde directory b) system wide -- install everything into `kde-config --prefix` directory (not into hardcoded path... what is really suck)


Firstly, the script could not work in user mode, as the folders in .kde do not contain the image files. Secondly, I agree that the install script is not the best - but, hey, this is my first shell script! If any one can give me specific pointers to improve the script, I would like to hear them :)


Ok, the script now autodetects yor kde directory. Let me know how you get on...


just note for yourself, that kde is installed in different place in different computers. how about using $KDEDIR instead of a constant dir?


Will the use of the $kdedir variable automatically use the users kde directory?


yes. ie, my kde dir (the default of slack) is /opt/kde echo $KDEDIR /opt/kde you should replace all the /usr/somthing by $KDEDIR btw, how about checking whether a directory (of an application) exists and only if it is, copy the files into it? (if you wanna know how to do it, tell me) and root checking? (exit if you aint root)


I type "echo $KDEDIR" in konsole and it does not print the path for me (debian). If you could tell me how to add these other things to the script, that would be great!


How about using the kde-config program. IIRC (can't check atm) kde-config --prefix should give you the correct path where KDE is installed.


But this would'nt work as a variable in the script, would it? I know that the images are stored in /usr/share/apps/ on my computer, but I don't know about other distributions...


yes, you can write in the script: cp image.png $KDEDIR/some/dir/


you can put this at the start of the script: $KDEDIR=`kde-config --prefix` and then use $KDEDIR. most normal distros use $KDEDIR as variable to store the kde installation path.


you are a god.


I am really getting into your Flat stuff. I now have your iconset, colour scheme and two applets (FlatMonitor and FlatWeather) on my KDE 3.1.5 desktop. Are you planning on creating your own window decoration? If you do, I'd be one of the first to use it! You're just incredible. Keep up the great work!!!


If he makes a windec, I promise to port it to Metacity for us GNOME users. :D

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