SVG Templates

Various Stuff

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These are a few files I have put together to help with the eye candy production process from a non developer point of view. The Icon buildset is very useful for making an iconset with only one size icons and using convert to make all the other sizes. All credit to Nick Bargnesi for the original (very useful) script. The style installer simply copies the theme elements into your local .kde folder. The themerc file is a modification of the built in riscos.themerc. The idea came from speleoalex's KDE3 XP theme.

As for the artwork---The folder icon and everything else in the mockup.svg is my own creation. Some of my favorite icons from Susumu's Aqua Candy Icon Set and 32x32 icons from Vista_Inspirate are included.

For usage---You can tear apart the mockup.svg and make all kinds of eye-candy goodness. There is enough to create an entire widget style with my template method. Use my top bar to make a dekorator theme. The folder icon can be used as a base for other icon design. There is a kicker bg and a kbfx button. The kmix button is a custom job. Needless to say, there is also an easily modifiable, simple svg wallpaper. The point is, use this as a starting point to create your own original themes. You don't have to be a developer to modify your desktop beyond the basic. Thanks to the brilliant work of contributors, it is easier than ever to make KDE yours!

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hi, which icon theme are you using in that screenshot ? the icon on the desktop looks nice!


Did you create the title bar images yourself? If you created them yourself, would you mind to provide me with a complete set of images? I could include them in my crystal window decoration theme as a custom button theme. I like your buttons a lot.


Yes, I created everything myself. You can download the svg and use anything you want. It is "all" svg (no raster images to "provide"). The point was show how I create my themes. I don't just make a dekorator theme. I start with the wallpaper, and design everything around it. Once you create a mockup, it is childsplay to cut it up and use it for your favorite theming devices.


I am no designer. I love the buttons, but I am unable to create the missing ones, like the hovered and pressed state. I can extract your three buttons, but they do not make a complete button theme.

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