kde-look.org improvement

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This is an idea I have for improving kde-look.org. Basically, it is an improved filter that sorts by age. One could search by most downloads but the count starts over each day (or whatever the filter setting is) instead of a constant count. The "most downloads" tab is useless because the stuff that is on there is old, and thus, has been downloaded much more than some newer, and better, entries. A user controlled tally each would keep the most downloaded list fresh and useable.
Last changelog:

I had another idea! A random button. This is one of my favorite wikipedia pasttimes and I thought,"how cool would it be to search kde-look---randomly!" You could set you filters and then call, at random, content that fullfills the criteria. It would only search in the area set at the left sidebar as well (ie. all,wallpapers,kbfx, etc.) Pardon my crappy mockup, but, if you like these ideas to improve our favorite site---please vote "good".

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I Gimp'd a filter mockup so you could see how it might look. It's a simple thing that I think would take too much work to implement and I feel that it would help many people find what they are looking for. Kde-look is getting HUGE and it is becoming more and more difficult to find anything without hours of searching. Not to say that every entry isn't useful of "good"---everyone that contributes is helping, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I hope this little idea gets implemented one day---If you agree please vote "good" and make it happen.


Well, i like your idea, but a day is way to short of a time span. Now if you say a week, then that's better in my oppinion, because you need to give submitters time to build up the content. It would also provide a convenient snapshot of what has been submitted from week to week.


A week is good but choice is better. What about a filter that lets you set the amount of time to sort by. There are already filters in place for weeding out low ranked submissions. Lets just enhance the filter feature to include a sort by downloads per "n" period of time. I'm not sure what kde-look runs on, but it seems like a simple hack nonetheless. If anyone with some php knowledge agrees, please submit a working prototype to the kde-look crew.


what about different regions? my day may start 8 hours after yours. it should select the most downloads for the last 24 hours.


I can say we need tabs from week view of highest rated and most downloads.. a think, best way to do that.. meaby filter need option of time limit?

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