To use the config, You will need to first install the bespin theme from svn:
Then just download the config file, unzip it and drop it in:
Remember to append the original bespin config with '.backup' (w/o quotes) in order to use the new one and easily revert back to the original. Also, optionally you can add a panel to the top of the desktop and to this panel you can add the X-bar widget in order to get mac style global menubars.
I would also advise that you use the 'elegant bespin' colour scheme with this style:
***Screenshots of Titanium are below (1440x900)***
***More screenshots below. These are of the older FeO version (1440x900).***

Ratings & Comments
You will need hardware acceleration (nice GPU and drivers) to use the new version. If anyone wants the last version, please ask. :)
what is causing this to be so slow? it doesnt even have translucent windows activated...
You will need a fast pc with composting enabled to use the new version. Use the previous version if you are having problems. P.s My macish bespin preset is much better than titanium.
Pure masterpiece.
THX :)
can i get the classic buttonbar somehow? couldnt find anything obvious in bespin config
Just uncheck 'sunken groupboxes' under 'windows' in the bespin config app :)
Disregard that^ Dumb moment :/ You need to uncheck 'DRAW FRAMES (CONNECTED)' under Buttons, Toolbuttons in the bespin config app. :)
Please don't kill FeO. It is really nice. best regards.
No problem! I didn't think anyone still used it... Will re-upload later :)
I was using this amazing theme for a couple of days and it works well. But when I start my computer now it says: "The following installation problem was detected while trying to start KDE: No write acces to '/home/my_name/.ICEauthority'. KDE is unable to start." So I can't use KDE. Everything was working fine until now. Any idea about how to fix it or how to set another theme through the console? Thaks!
Hi... Ive had this problem and its easy to fix. You just need to chenge the permissions of the directory to your user via the chown command. To do this in a terminal (assuming you are using ubuntu) do the following: From the login screen press ctrl alt F4 Then type (appending USERNAME with your own): sudo chown -R USERNAME /home/USERNAME/.ICEauthority Press ctrl alt F7 and login. Any probs, just post back.
P.s Its nothing to do with the theme XD
Thanks, now is working again! I guessed the problem was not your theme but I was using it so that's why I asked in this post (even when it doesn't do anything with it). I really apreciate your help!!! XD
Your welcome :)
What is this amazing panel ? How can I have it with kde4.3 & Archlinux ? Nice job anyway ;-)
Assuming you installed bespin from svn, you can just add a standard panel (r-click on desktop, add panel. Then shrink the panel vertically and add the 'xbar widget' to the panel. Bespin will take care of the rest ;).
Ow I didn't realize it :-) thanks for your fast answer :-)
Your welcome :)
How do you guys like the new config? Should i bring the black boarders back? P.s If you want the grouped tool buttons back you must update to the latest version (5:30 pm GMT) ;)
> How do you guys like the new config? Very good :) >Should i bring the black boarders back? Nope! It was terrible :)
Thanks :) I have to agree :(. Though the concept of the boarder was great, bespin just isn't configurable enough to really style the boarder nice.
Definitely it's nicer now :)
Thanks :). I think its a bit more consistent than before lol.
I like this config a lot! although.. feo means ugly in spanish :s