▶ A R C H I V E D E T A I L S ! ! ! ◀
XONE reborn editinon now available!!
▶Best icon theme Click to image for visit download page!

▶ Required extensions ◀
➊ BLYR (Add blur effect Apps & Overview page)
➋ Activities Configurator (Customize Activities Button)
➌ Workspace to Dock (for Large Workspace Thumbnail: in the Activities page)
❝Don't forget to❞
➊ Install Patched Fonts. included in the archive.
➋ READ Dock Setting!!!!!!!!!!
WATCH : https://goo.gl/P8aYfh
Credit: goo.gl/4Rv9Jo
Ratings & Comments
I can't pick network due to both the background and text of "select wifi networks" windows is white.
7 7 good
10 10 the best
I got a laggy and freeze when show applications, it is not smooth showing as well, where can i change it in gnome-shell.css
Find this line: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .icon-grid StIcon { padding-bottom: 10px!important; icon-shadow: 0 4px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove: icon-shadow: 0 4px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); Save, restart shell.
The background of the select wifi networks is white, and the text too, can't pick networks now. See image for details: https://imgur.com/OYkqYO7
Try this, Copy the codes in the link. paste it into the last line of the gnome-shell.css file in the theme folder. https://jpst.it/1QoEd
Hello, the link above is expired, could you please give me the codes ?
9 9 excellent
How reset preview folder icons dimensions?
Change these lines. Find: .icon-grid StIcon { margin: 10px!important; } Change: /*.icon-grid StIcon { margin: 10px!important; }*/ Save exit.
8 8 great
9 +
Please, update to 3.32 Excellent work!
Hi, glad you liked it. Soon to be updated 3.32
9 +
9 +
9 +
9 + Super eye candy.
9 +
The text in the top bar is dark grey and unreadable. How can I make it white like shown in the pictures above?
I solved the problem. Ubuntu 17.10 is not using the default gnome-session causing themes not to work right (Why should you break such functionality as a big linux distributor?!?). Solution: sudo apt install gnome-session and relogin
how can I install it ? I don't understand how to do it
Tutorials: https://youtu.be/9TNvaqtVKLk https://youtu.be/lwdnUGO2ZyY you can install it in the same way in other distros.
1. Download the packege 2. Extract the folders C-Flow and C-Flow-No-Icon-Shadow into ~/.themes folder (maybe you have to create it) 3. Install gnome-tweak-tool in a terminal with sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool 4. Install gnome shell extensions with sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions 5. Open tweaktool (you can run gnome-tweak-tool from shell) 6. Goto Extensions 7. Set extensions to on (upper right corner) 8. Enable user themes 9. Goto appearance 10. Select C-Flow from the shell drop down list (maybe you have to restart first)