Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
my first attempt, works fine for me on both Gutsy and Hardy. just unzip it and copy the .so somewhere and point startup-manager at it...sorry but i only included 800x600 and 1024x768. I'm just learning, gimme a break...the artwork is with the permission of, and props to the genius of, Sven Geier. Last changelog:
wow this seems to be a popular download! could i please impose upon you folks to post some feedback? specifically does it work for you and would you like more of this kind of thing?
Ratings & Comments
Please provide the source. I need to compile this on my machine to get it to work.
Really cool, I like it, plus bonus points since it is my wife's favourite... Just a comment, I'm not sure about progress bar, it looks a bit graysh...but maybe it is just me being pedantic... I was thinking about creating my own splash theme, I tried to google for a nice how-to or a guide but I could not find anything, is there anything you recommend?? Thanks again keep up the good work M
The text color is specified in the C file. They correspond to the color pallete index of the image. Hope that helps some.
It does work with sudo usplash -c -x 800 -y 600 although when sending usplash_write messages to it, it looks pretty ugly. The colors from the eft-theme.c example as well as text box placement need adjusted. Isn't there a way to edit my comments after posting? :(
i am in TOTAL agreement over the text colors. I am looking into how to adjust the colors to my own specifications. but all i have found so far is to adjust the colormap of the image itself. and that seems to mess up the whole image. any help in this area would be appreciated.
Provide the source code along with it, might help. I copied the .so to /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so and then did sudo usplash -c and all I get is a blank screen. Did you make sure the image was 256 colors/8 bit? The image you have posted looks pretty intense.
i had the same issue during testing. in order to get it to work i had to specify the resolution in grub as octal value. i.e., for 1024x768...rather than vga=791, vga=0x0318. hope that helps..but like i say i am just learning