Plain bootsplash - 1024x768
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hh now when its work,,,so pls the resolution of images to 1280x1024 ... can u make it ?
i made mkinitrd -s 1024x768 on my widescreen lcd monitor but it dont work ..
ok .. i must in grub menu.lst change the resolution too ... if 1024x768 bootsplash so in menu.lst vga=0x317 ,, thats all .-) very nice theme
she look very cool
Very nice theme! But there is an error in the config file, on the line with jpeg=*** . You have to delete /home from there.
Oops, thanks for that, I never noticed. I have to change it before I upload it because I think most people have their bootsplash stored in /etc/bootsplash.
OK, I do not know how to install this in Kubuntu, but you should be able to install it the same way I did. You must get a kernel patch from and recompile your kernel with the patch. You also need the 'user space' utilities, the important one being 'splash', make splash and copy it to /sbin. Then you must open the config file and change the paths to point to the correct location, and from a terminal type sudo /sbin/splash -sf /path/to/configfile.cfg > /path/to/where-you-want-the.initrd When you have the initrd, you need to tell LiLo/Grub where it is. I don't know Grub, but for lilo it is done with a line like this initrd=/path/to/initrd then you must run /sbin/lilo, or reinstall Grub. You should probably have a good read at first, then you will have a better idea. Make sure you understand what you are doing before doing it.
How do I install this in Kubuntu?
really cool :)
Just help me with install, this is my first time installing a bootsplash. And I also use kubuntu (comment below)