Description: # KDE Full Notifications Applet: fork from KDE 5.8/5.12 Notification (org.kde.plasma.notifications)
# Donation: Any donations are welcome to: paypal: thanks a lot
# Features : - Original kde notification features plus : - Display unlimited notifications number (originally limited to 21 notifications max) - Keep all notifications on the history whether persistent or not - Support music players to avoid keeping music player notifications when you change song (only keep the last notification) - Exact same notification are only keeped once (same as original)
# Files full-normal-size.notification.plasmoid = Normal size popup full-big-size.notification.plasmoid = Big popup (Work when the applet is alone outside the system tray)
# Supported music players : clementine amarok rhythmbox audacious qmmp cmus spotify vlc DeaDBeeF Banshee gnome-music Lollypop gmusicbrowser Quod Libet Cantata Musique TOMAHAWK MOC Guayadeque Exaile Exaile Mopidy Banshee htingale juk MPlayer nuvolaplayer XMMS aqualung yarock Ocenaudio deepin-music
# Install : - Just install from the KDE Market or load the plamoid file manually - Logoff, login to restart plasma
# Install Note : This applet will REPLACE the original notification applet for the current user... don't worry tho kde original files stay untouched
# Uninstall : Just remove the applet from the plasma applet menu and you will get back your original notification applet
In the last version of Kde Neon it doesn't works it gives me error:
file:///home/.../.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/main.qml:29:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.notifications" version 1.0 is not installed
not working on Plasma 5.16.3, error loading QML file:
org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/main.qml:29:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.notifications" version 1.0 is not installed.
hope fix it
Permanent notifications from chrome solved on KDE Plasma 5.19.5 with extension
and `plasma-browser-integration` on Arch linux
The only suggestion I would make is to restore the 'clear history' button in the top corner. Now that there are way more notifications stored, it makes clearing them a pain since that button is gone.
Ratings & Comments
In the last version of Kde Neon it doesn't works it gives me error: file:///home/.../.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/main.qml:29:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.notifications" version 1.0 is not installed
10 10 the best as every time the best
not working on Plasma 5.16.3, error loading QML file: org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/main.qml:29:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.notifications" version 1.0 is not installed. hope fix it
Permanent notifications from chrome solved on KDE Plasma 5.19.5 with extension and `plasma-browser-integration` on Arch linux
+1 No worky in Kubuntu 20.04 ☹
9 +
Pretty cool but it REAAAAALLY needs a "clear all notifications" button.
My bad, I've just read the comment below. Though I could hardly guess it was in the right click menu ! So it's got the clear button... It's perfect !
cool, happy to help :)
cool happy that you find the solution ;)
9 +Works perfectly on openSUSE leap 15 running Plasma 5.12.5!
The only suggestion I would make is to restore the 'clear history' button in the top corner. Now that there are way more notifications stored, it makes clearing them a pain since that button is gone.
the feature is still there you just need to right click on the notification icon then you should have "Clear Notifications"
9 TY!