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2019/06/15 - v1.1 finally fixes default folder!

You love that one icon theme you just downloaded but the folders don't quite live up to it?

Pixel Perfect Folders includes more than 80 different finely crafted folder icons including 32px versions like: remote-backup, disk-vinyl, dev-sass, gdrive and many more! The default folder, including colored versions and the kde system-file-manager app, even have custom pixel perfect resolutions for 22 and 16 pixels. Each icon is meticulously drawn to their resolution for that perfect sharp look. Based on KDE naming conventions, works out of the box together with Breeze Icons.

Mix with your favorite theme:
This is not a complete icon theme for applications and/or system icons by design. It only includes icons for folders and the file manager of KDE Plasma.
To use these folders with your favorite icon theme adjust line 6 of
which can be found at
or the icon themes directory path of your distribution. It says
. Put the name of the theme you want to combine directly after the equal sign exactly as it appears on the themes folder.
This way you can even combine various icon themes. Just put those which have few but very nice icons to inherit first and then put some follow-ups after those.
You could even go completely nerd and add a function to the theme to recursively use specific folders from specific themes, which is explained in the spec.

Changes to icon themes may sometimes not apply instantly. Log out and back in to apply changes or if that still does not work remove
and relog.

Please share some love and up vote if you like this theme and make sure to check out my OSX like window decorations that surely fit nice with your new folders! You might also like my super hot Chili login theme for KDE Plasma.

If you are the type of person who digs attention to detail, know how much work is involved in it and/or simply likes to support makers with a coffee or a beer I would greatly appreciate your donation on my PayPayl account.
Last changelog:

2019/06/15 - v1.1

Fixes a change in KDE default paths

Ratings & Comments



10 Awesome! Thanks a lot!


9 9 excellent


Last time active : Dec 20 2020


Generally speaking: Make sure to check out software that's unmaintained but still awesome...this whole culture of daily updates is utterly flawed.


No offense meant. I was merely indicating to the person who asked a question that you were absent for a while. I didn't made any judgment on your work either.


Thanks for getting back, appreciate the clarification. Was kind of unsure what that was all about. Have a nice weekend.


10 I really like this. I love the default gnome icons, but their folders are just terrible. This makes the experience much better, thank you. Are you planning on make more colors? It would be great if we had some green and darker yellow.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm currently not really updating this. Gnome and KDE release new weird folders on a frequent's hard to keep up. If it's "just" colors you want, you can actually go into the theme, open one colors' icon with inkscape for example, change the color to your liking and save it with a name that your DE accepts :) Sorry if that's not exactly what you asked for, but I hope it might help!


No problem. I thought I could into some kinda css file within the theme and change it. I'll dabble with it on Inkscape (even though I've never used Inkscape) and see what I can come up with. Thank you for your hard work and the reply. :)


Hey k-alz, I suppose you hoped for one variable to change. But it's no magic really. Here's a quick and dirty way: Open one of the folder icons for a given size in Inkscape. Select all elements. Go to Filters > Color > Color Shift... Check the preview button and play with the two sliders. If you like what you see REMEMBER the values and click apply. Then save under ANY name, preferrably "folder-yourcolor" in that same directory where it came from. Do this for all the other sizes with the exact same values and save to the according directories with that same name. The work here comes from doing this over and over for all sizes and getting the values, naming consistent etc. Plasma lets you then chose any icon you want to from the properties context menu, including your new one.


8 8 great


8 8 great


These icons look great! You should be part of the KDE Visual team.


9 9 excellent


Thank you skahbo23, appreciate it!


9 +love your work, your art is absolutely delightful


You make me blush, thank you for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.


9 +Absolutely incredible.


Thank you for the kind words!


9 +


9 I love it!


Glad you like them. I spent quite some time on these. Enjoy!

1 Pling
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license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 1.1
downloads 24h 2
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 12

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