However this theme is my customization from default Vanilla Gnome-Shell but with my own concept. All credit to the creator this theme.
## Installations :
-- Download and extract then just copy paste extracted file to called ".themes" in your home file-manager directory (created the folder if you don't have it) then press Ctrl+H to found the folder.
-- Open your Gnome-Tweak-Tool (Tweaks) application, Tab in the section "shell theme" and chosing "Vanilla-Vaganza" that it's!
Vote, Rate/Fav this theme if you like it

## update, 22 May 2018:
-- Fixed Overview Window Captions.
## Donations :
Thanks for your donations!
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Thank you @GermaineF
9 +
Thank you @Rellika
9 looks great with Arc-Dark GTK theme
Thanks @jatjub I'am so glad if you like it :)