Extract and put it into the themes directory i.e. ~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ (create it if necessary).Then change the theme via distribution specific tool like Gnome tweak tool or Unity tweak tool, etc. (If you use Snap-packages instead of app's from the normal repositories than definitely put the theme to /usr/share/themes/.
This theme is based on the dark-theme of the Arc theme, by Horst 3180, under license GPLv3. https://github.com/horst3180/arc-themeLast changelog:
This is the right shade of dark for me, but Kandelai is right; the text is a bit difficult to rad. I'm using XFCE, so I don't know if that matters or not. Great theme, though! Thanks!
Love this theme! Hard to read text in gnome-contacts contact info, the font is too light. Also had to read text in gnome-calendar with the weather enabled, text too light. Please fix!!
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
10 Is there a planning of some fixes for 3.36 and 3.38?
10 Having used a lot of your themes and somehow love alsmot every single theme you built.
10 10 the best - on all my Linux boxes - waiting for a update but by far one of the best GTK/XFCE theme around
very smooth looking for a update and possible shell theme for this
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
very nice theme - much appreciated
Can i know what is the icons theme you using for the sceenshoot?
Sorry, just custom-made for the screenshot. It is actually the Suru-icontheme with the folders made dark.
This is the right shade of dark for me, but Kandelai is right; the text is a bit difficult to rad. I'm using XFCE, so I don't know if that matters or not. Great theme, though! Thanks!
9 +
9 The Best
Love this theme! Hard to read text in gnome-contacts contact info, the font is too light. Also had to read text in gnome-calendar with the weather enabled, text too light. Please fix!!