Description: A simple progress bar, in pure QML, indicating the time elapsed since the beginning of the year, as a percentage (inspired by changelog:
Less CPU intensive
Date check done only when the day actually changes
I want contribute this project, how I can? Can I create github repository with this source code and add some of my code? I leave a link to original widget
Okay x)
Btw I'm not a programmer so I don't know how translations work for plasmoids, but I really wanna contribute. Do you know how can I achieve that?
Now you cannot make translations, because there is not scripts for translations. I will create this scripts in
It doesn't seem to update the percentage automatically, does it? I mean, if plasma is running for days, one needs to restart plasma manually to get the % updated...
Yes it does: the day is checked one every hour.
You can try it by yourself (don't forget to revert the canges, rebuild and reinstall):
- edit src/yearprogressplasmoid.cpp replacing 60000 with 2000 at row 47, so it will be updated every two seconds,
- make && sudo make install && plasmoidviewer -a org.kde.yearprogressplasmoid.
- change the system date by some weeks ahead and you will see the percentage changing.
Sounds great! It was few days since I used my laptop last time, and realized of this. Now I understand that less than an hour passed and that explains it wasn't updated (yet).
Every 2 seconds seems excessive. The "time" dataengine, which the Digital Clock, Fuzzy Clock, etc uses, has a property to show the current time. It also has the ability to AlignToHour, which means it only updates when the hour changes.
You ought to look into the fuzzyclock widget for a simple example.
Here's where AlignToSecond, AlignToMinute, and AlignToHour is defined if you're interested in that enum.
You could bind to:
onCurrentDateTimeChanged: {
Thanks for your feedback!
2 seconds were suggested just for testing. It is actually one hour.
I've already tried the time dataengine but I could not find the currentDateTimeChanged signal: I believe that just newData is available and I should do the "date check" manually.
I could anyway use the current timer and correct just the first cycle.
Hints are welcome!
Notice how fuzzyclock has a property named currentDateTime? Every property you define has a on_____Changed signal you can bind to. Since currentDateTime has a binding to, every time the dataengine updates, it will update currentDateTime too.
Here's an example you can use to test the differences between AlignToHour, AlignToMinute and AlignToSecond.
Thanks! Very nice and minimalistic plasmoid :)
May I suggest a tiny improvement? Please add +0.5 to properly round l_result -> in yearprogressplasmoid.cpp (line 69) -> l_result = ((qreal)l_days_elapsed/(qreal)l_days_total) * 100 + 0.5;
Ratings & Comments
I want contribute this project, how I can? Can I create github repository with this source code and add some of my code? I leave a link to original widget
Sure you can! Thank you!
Hi! Did you create the git repo? I'd like to contribute too. Well, not code-contributing but in terms of translation for my native language
No, I did not create, because i forgot, lol. I will create repo today night or tomorrow.
Okay x) Btw I'm not a programmer so I don't know how translations work for plasmoids, but I really wanna contribute. Do you know how can I achieve that?
Now you cannot make translations, because there is not scripts for translations. I will create this scripts in
I create scripts and guide for translators, so you can start
10 Simple and nice)
It's awesome! I want to add some more stuff... But how do I access the source code?
just open the .plasmoid file as a zip archive ;)
10 Interesting idea! I like it!
Thank you!!
10 10 the best
It doesn't seem to update the percentage automatically, does it? I mean, if plasma is running for days, one needs to restart plasma manually to get the % updated...
Yes it does: the day is checked one every hour. You can try it by yourself (don't forget to revert the canges, rebuild and reinstall): - edit src/yearprogressplasmoid.cpp replacing 60000 with 2000 at row 47, so it will be updated every two seconds, - make && sudo make install && plasmoidviewer -a org.kde.yearprogressplasmoid. - change the system date by some weeks ahead and you will see the percentage changing.
Sounds great! It was few days since I used my laptop last time, and realized of this. Now I understand that less than an hour passed and that explains it wasn't updated (yet).
Every 2 seconds seems excessive. The "time" dataengine, which the Digital Clock, Fuzzy Clock, etc uses, has a property to show the current time. It also has the ability to AlignToHour, which means it only updates when the hour changes. You ought to look into the fuzzyclock widget for a simple example. Here's where AlignToSecond, AlignToMinute, and AlignToHour is defined if you're interested in that enum. You could bind to: onCurrentDateTimeChanged: { updateYearProgressSlider() }
Thanks for your feedback! 2 seconds were suggested just for testing. It is actually one hour. I've already tried the time dataengine but I could not find the currentDateTimeChanged signal: I believe that just newData is available and I should do the "date check" manually. I could anyway use the current timer and correct just the first cycle. Hints are welcome!
Notice how fuzzyclock has a property named currentDateTime? Every property you define has a on_____Changed signal you can bind to. Since currentDateTime has a binding to, every time the dataengine updates, it will update currentDateTime too. Here's an example you can use to test the differences between AlignToHour, AlignToMinute and AlignToSecond.
Oh well, it was quite easy :D Thanks for your support!
9 + Nice minimalistic year progress bar!
Thank you!
Thanks! Very nice and minimalistic plasmoid :) May I suggest a tiny improvement? Please add +0.5 to properly round l_result -> in yearprogressplasmoid.cpp (line 69) -> l_result = ((qreal)l_days_elapsed/(qreal)l_days_total) * 100 + 0.5;