GTK+3 & GTK+2 themes base on : Arc-Theme .
To use this theme requires GTK+ 3.22 installed in a computer system.
This themes have been test on Linux Debian 10 (Buster), Ubuntu 18.04.3 and Linux Mint 19.
Available in light,dark & darker variant with color accents Green & Blue :
- Forest-Light
- Forest-Darker
- Forest-Dark
- Forest-Blue-Light
- Forest-Blue-Darker
- Forest-Blue-Dark
Download themes on the File Tab or click Download Button in the right sidebar. After that, extract archive file on directory
For Gnome Desktop Environment users can download Gnome Shell Themes on this page Forest GnomeShell
XFWM4 Themes:
For Xfce Desktop Environment users can download Xfwm4 Themes on this page Forest XFWM4
Ratings & Comments
Best theme ever. However, when a small window is over a larger one, it gets a bit confusing cause it's difficult to see the smaller window border, so: Is it possible to draw a light border around the active window (or all windows would do too) on the dark variation? Thank you.
Thank you for your appreciation and suggestions. I'll try to create it
Thank you
10 Excellent variation of the Arc theme. Was attracted by the Dark Green but ended up liking the Dark Blue better.
Thank you very much! :)
9 you did it. thanks. looks great.
Thanks! :)
8 8 great
Thanks :)
10 10
Thank you very much :)
9 9 excellent
Thanks :)
10 10 the best - Works right on Xubuntu 16.04 Xfce
Thank you very much :)
Very nice theme, currently using it. Just one detail that feels strange in my opinion is the 2 shades when the mouse is in a menu, like in the first pic, the right-click menu. At least it also displays in the nautilus tab (when mouse is over it). What do you think?
Thank you for the appreciation for this themes. About 2 colors in the right click menu item selected and several others are indeed made to add variety to the forest theme. I think it looks normal, maybe just different from the other gtk themes. Hi, you can give a RATING for this theme, and I hope you enjoy it.
How do you integrate the navigation bar into the title bar like that ? I'm using thunar, on xfce 4.14 in arch
Forest Screenshot using Nautilus version 3.30.5 on Debian 10 Gnome Desktop Environment, of course it's different from Thunar file manager.
I'm running Mint 19.2 and can not get these to show up.
Hi, amkinser7, did you install it correctly? I've tried it on Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.2 Tina and the theme works well.
I'll try again. I am completely new to Linux, so I probably did not install it correctly. Thank you for your response.
You're welcome.
10 10 the best
Thank you very much :)