PDF Chain generates a command for the PDF Toolkit from the GUI settings and executes it on the system. Therefore the PDF Toolkit must be already installed on the system.
PDF Chain is for Unix-like systems
The GUI is written in C++ programming language, using the GTKmm library
The source code is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3)
PDF Chain comes without any warranty!
Concatenate selected pages of various PDF documtents into one
Select entiere PDF documents
Choose several pages or contiguous page ranges
Pick even, odd or all pages from choosen page ranges
Rotate picked pages (0°, 90°, 180° or 270°

Shuffle picked pages
Set input passwords for various PDF documents
Burst a PDF document into single pages
Print a background or stamp on each page of a PDF document
Attach various files to a PDF document
Set permissions on PDF output documents
Set a user and/or a owner password
Use encryption (None, 40 bit or 128 bit)
Allow or restrict various features
Extract attached files
Uncompress / Compress
Dump data fields (ASCII or UTF-

Dump data (ASCII or UTF-

Update info (ASCII or UTF-

Generate FDF
Fill form
Drop XFA
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