So, I've created some themes with the color scheme of macOS Mojave, Dark and Light, to match with the desktop with macOS Themes for Linux; Really, with any kind of themes, of course }

Hope you like it... }

--Things to do:
- First you need to install the pkg from: ""
and choose the right one for your Linux Distro.
- Launch Ulauncher... }

- Download the themes and extract them...
- Press "Ctrl+H", and go to "~/.config/ulauncher", and create the folder "/user-themes".
- Move the extracted files to the "~/.config/ulauncher/user-themes".
- Now press "Ctrl+Spacebar" and click on the cog in the Ulauncher bar, or click in Ulauncher systray icon, and go to app config and choose the new themes.
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