NB: For those who are updating, you should overwrite the old userContent.css in your browser's chrome folder.
Version: 1.3
+ Minimum GTK 3 version: >=3.20
+ Maximum xfwm font size: 12
+ Tested on: Arch Linux, gtk3.24.8, & XFCE4.13.x
Based on: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DarkCold?content=143165
Git: git clone https://github.com/Myrddin-Wyllt/DarkIce.git
Installation per-user:
If ~/.themes is absent from your Home directory, create it
Copy extracted DarkIce folder to ~/.themes
Installation system-wide:
Copy extracted DarkIce folder to /usr/share/themes
Gecko-based Browser Compatibility:
Copy the userContent.css file inside the theme directory into your browser's chrome directory.
If your browser's profile directory is missing the chrome subdirectory, create it and put the userContent.css file in there.
For Firefox:
userContent.css -> ~/.mozilla/firefox/"ReplaceThisWithTheRandomProfileName"/chrome
For Palemoon:
userContent.css -> ~/.moonchild productions/pale moon/"ReplaceThisWithTheRandomProfileName"/chrome
NB: If updating, you should overwrite the old userContent.css
Changes from DarkCold:
+ Transition effects added to hover graphics and the new pressed states for buttons/scrollbars in GTK 3
+ Scrollbar artwork reworked for additional contrast/clarity (i.e., GTK 2 & 3)
+ Added new images and code for pressed scrollbars and buttons (i.e., GTK 2 & 3)
+ Cleaned & refactored many typos/deprecations in CSS and gtkrc files
+ Changed switch on/off to 0/1 and added gradients with transition effect
+ Halved the size of the scale slider for better GTK 3.20 compatibility
+ Scale slider (i.e., volume slider) pressed states added with transition effects
+ Removed legacy (i.e., GTK 3

+ Refactored userContent.css for improved website compatibility in Gecko-based browsers
+ xfwm theme now integrated and included
+ xfwm title text shadow frame added and title text recolored for further contrast improvements
+ xfwm titlebar top is now resizable across the entire width (NB: Font size cannot be greater than 12)
Known Issues:
- GTK 3 is missing textures used in GTK 2; I'm not yet sure what's capable of being ported
- GTK 2 has no transition animations; Unresolvable
- Gnome/Xfce terminal scrollbar steppers aren't arranged properly, I might have to add program-specific CSS (if that's possible for the terminals). Budgie panel seems to have specific CSS for the Vertex theme; I might try to adapt that.
- Spinbutton alignment is skewed in GTK 3 (i.e., a pixel or two too high)
Ratings & Comments
Would you consider making a Cinnamon theme to go along with it? The DarkCold one hasn't been updated in years, and it beginning to break.
10 Great thanks for non-flat and usable theme! Light variant can also be nice.
9 9 excellent
Check that you got v1.3. As the previous comment mentions, there was an issue with opendesktop uploading my update.
DarkIce-1.3.tar.gz link points to v1.2 not v1.3
Fixed. Thanks for noticing! Opendesktop didn't upload the file I sent. I had to delete the old and update the link. This site is wonkier than Willy or his chocolates.
9 +
9 +Great theme with amazing gradient transitions and attention to detail.
I like it! You did a great work! But it would look even better if you change that striped background to a gradient one with the same colors/tonalities.
3 Obsolete.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Any tips for improvement? If you want to call it obsolete, then could you provide anything specific? You do realize this is the first release and it's being modernized for hours each day, right? This comment is outright rude, discouraging, and devoid of reasoning. It is attitudes like these that are deliberately hurtful/harmful to developers, especially new ones. Please provide constructive criticism or I'll be forced to believe this act is malicious.
I wasn't really in the mood to write something, but as you took your time to write all that response, so I will take mine to explain what I meant. I hope you'll be able to read through my "perfect" grammar, I'm doing my best to improve it. So. For months I am looking for new aesthetic experiences in Linux. I tried multiple DEs, lots and lots of themes, but I always encounter a problem with look. Most of themes are just copies of Mac OS main theme, they are rather handsome, but it is boring. Some of them are copies of something else, like Win10 or Adwaita with minor improvements. But some of them are obsolete. You know, the interface design is a rather dynamic thing, everything is changing every year, and maybe (just maybe) it's some kind of trend addiction from me, but I prefer interface design to be contemporary and fresh. And this particular theme uses lots of gradients, which was interesting like ten years ago, but now they're completely obsolete. Also I really concerned about open source community positive attitude about everything. I know, that one-word-criticism like mine is not very helpful, but so do constant praising of everything. It's like comments on Jamendo, when you hear poor composing and terrible mixing, but everyone in the comments are saying something like "Woah, that's GREAT". It's really an obstacle in self improvement. So what about tips. Firstly, I thing you should get rid of gradients in future. Maybe for some people it looks cool, but really it's mostly tasteless nowadays. Secondly, continue the work of improvement. Learn about interface design, look at distinctive parts of existing interfaces everywhere, mention them to yourself, but try not to copy whole themes. Experiment, improvise, do something new to make Linux look cool and not what it looks like now. Good luck. P.S.: I wasn't aware that it was your first release, sorry. In that case criticism can be really discouraging.
I believe flatness and material design are the antithesis to theme diversity and creativity. For this reason, I'm not sure I can sacrifice gradients in this theme. The gradients are what defines half of this theme's uniqueness. On one hand, you say most current themes are handsome yet boring; but on the other hand, one must acknowledge why they are this way. Their sameness stems from the flat design trend and Google's Material Design; it's infected modern themes on all operating systems. Instead of creativity, uniqueness, and diversity abounding; you have standards and look-alikes converging, partially owing to their ease of creation. It is for these reasons, I don't share your opinion on gradients. Some of the best themes were only made for GTK+ 2, and I don't know whether this will ever change with the blow GTK+ 3 landed to this community.
Personally, I'm glad that there are still themes available with the mid-2000s shiny gradient aestetic, because it's still my favorite. There's no reason to be modern just for the sake of being modern. There'll always be people, like me, who prefer old design philosophies, and I'm very glad that people still cater to that. If they want a modern, ugly, boring theme, there's plenty of those on this site.
If you want a boring, modern, ugly theme, there are hundereds of those on this site. It's not agisnst the law to like something that's "out of style" and many here do. Maybe instead of trying to force your subjective tastes onto everyone else, you just stick to the themes you like. Personally, I despise modern graphical design and things like applied deisgn / material design, whatever. I recognize that it's just a personal preference, though,and I don't go around telling others what to like. I'm personally really glad that there's still people around making and supporting themes like this. I would hate to be stuck with only the type of themes you like, as I'm sure you'd hate to be stuck with only the type I themes I like. It's all completely subjective opinion, and should be recognized as such. If you don't like it, don't use it. There are some cases where constructive criticism might be useful, but telling somebody to use a completely different design language will get you nowhere. Each theme should strive to be the best at what it's trying to do. This theme is obviously not trying to be modern and flat. If you're not satisfied with the modern and flat themes out there, the people who make those will be much more responsive to your ideas of how to make a better modern theme. This isn't a modern theme, and it will never be, and I personally think it's great.
And yes, as an enthusiast, I really want Linux to look cool and modern, but... It's not. Really, most of the themes are just outdated or copying something, but everyone (except me, maybe) are fine with it. I know that matter stands above manner, but it is not the reason to neglect visual form at all. And I would like to do something with it, but I have some problems with my visual imagination, like I can roughly imagine what I like to see, but I never could portray or even explain it in full details.
This is the reason I wanted to fully take advantage of the feature set GTK+ 3 now provides. Just because GTK+ 3 caused an uproar, I believe many lost sight of any benefits it could've had. The disenfranchisement of the majority of GTK+ theme developers caused tons of professional-quality talent to be lost to this community probably forever. It's hard to say whether things with recover beyond the Cloned-OS theme era.
And I forgot one thing - try not to use serif fonts, they absolutely are not fit to interfaces.
Fonts are a matter of user preference. This theme uses no hard-coded fonts and it is left to the Desktop Environment. Feel free to choose whatever suits your fancy. I have always preferred serif fonts to sans-serif; but on small displays, I could see the validity of your opinion (i.e., phones, tablets, subnotebooks, etc.).
>Obsolete >I wasn't really in the mood to write something (C o n t i n u e s t o w r i t e 2 1 l i n e s , a n d 5 p a r a g r a p h s n o t 5 h o u r s l a t e r lel) Most of the criticism you gave has been a matter of personal preferences, You do realize that, Right? As styles do go out of season, That doesn't mean themes with a certain style that have been popular in the past can't be made because people say so. It's like art styles in a way, You may like a few, And you might not like some others. It's like rolling dice. Just as you can say this theme is 'obsolete'. I can say that your taste in Anime is complete shit, and is obsolete since it was mostly popularized many years ago. To which you would say 'well its my personal preference'. As a Digital artist of over 5 years, I can tell you right now from an artists standpoint and as someone who gets criticism often, The worst thing you can ever say to somebody whos made a drawing or theme, Is just one word. Not only that, Just 'obsolete'. That is the most vague shit I've ever seen in my life, I'm torn between being astounded that somebody has the balls to just say that alone with nothing else, Or to be astounded at the fact somebody thinks doing that is okay. Not 'being in the mood to write something' Isn't an excuse to leave comments like that either, If you wan't to educate somebody on why they should change something, Or they should reconsider a certain aspect of their drawing or theme, You don't post one word and expect it to change. The only thing I can really agree with what you said, Was the thing about font choice. The font is a bit hard to read, But if the user hated it enough, They can change it themselves. Alas, As somebody who's drawn for over 5 years, As a hobby and as a way to get some income, Theres nothing necessarily wrong with this theme. If it's not your cup of tea then oh well, move on. Don't expect somebody to change a certain aspect about their theme just to please you, Unless you're paying money for it. In the end, I'm going to give you a small word of advice, If you don't want shit like this to happen again, Where the original creator and yourself get into a paragraph war, Either don't say anything at all, Or just write two sentences, What you like about the theme, And what you don't like about it. It's really as simple as that. The second advice I'd like to give you Is, don't make your pfp an Anime like Higurashi and expect not to get shit on for it.
And judging by your accounts history, It seems you've also gone and harassed other creators with your Thor's hammer of 'obsolete'. I hope you DO realize that site admins have debated on removing the negative review system on here BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU. The ones that tout and act like they have the Library of Alexandria of graphic design 'advice' at their disposal. I get it if you're not the best at utilizing your words properly, But judging by the fact you can write a fucking Autobiography of a response the moment somebody is displeased with your actions, I doubt that's the case. If you're looking on how to properly review and put a score on somebody's HOURS of time and effort, Take 30 seconds out of your time to write at least a sentence man, I mean come on. That's the most insulting thing you can ever do. And judging by your accounts history, It seems you've also gone and harassed other creators with your Thor's hammer of 'obsolete'. I hope you DO realize that site admins have debated on removing the negative review system on here BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU. The ones that tout and act like they have the Library of Alexandria of Graphic Design and 'advice' at their disposal. I get it if you're not the best at utilizing your words properly, But judging by the fact you can write a fucking Autobiography of a response the moment somebody is displeased with your actions, I doubt that's the case. If you're looking on how to properly review and put a score on somebody's HOURS of time and effort, Take 30 seconds out of your time to write at least a sentence man, I mean come on. That's the most insulting thing you can ever do. Even if you review was good, And you wrote just 'awesome', It makes their work look like and feel like joke. You're doing more harm than good.
(Excuse for the copying mistake on the last one, :) ) I hope this is a learning experience for yourself on how to properly review somebodys work. It's kind of astounding how you've had your account for over 2 years and it seems your methods of review have been the same over that span of time. It's also quite interesting how you don't even have your own theme, Since you seem to be so passionate about them. I bet you're really a great person in real life, I bet you are. But I really wish you could apply that standard etiquette of talking to people irl to the others you negotiate with online.
Please also make dark mint
I'll begin working on it, but it will take some time. Expect to see it about a week from now. Thank you for the interest!
9 +