Ubuntu 18.04 Mojave Gnome desktop look
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Thank you so much @jeckbauer.
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Thank you @jocixlinux
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Thank you @dayfuaim
You should explain that you have an old version of Gnome, which is Gnome 3.28, I used all the extensions that you are using in that screenshot and many of them do not work in Gnome 3.30 and they break the Gnome Shell. The creator of the Global Menu extension, for example, already explained that the project and development of the extension will not be able to continue because it gets harder in Gnome 3.30 and it does not work very well, I tried it by myself and the Gnome desktop works a little Slow to use the Global Menu. Either way, your screenshot looks great.
Thank you for your comment and comparison between Gnome 3.28 and 3.30. Well which is not much of the deal for me unless I see my desktop as its now. :D
This is not just a comparison. Everything on your desktop can go well, and it's great, but if you recommend an extension that has not supported for two years, such as the Global Menu extension, you must specify your desktop version, because not all extensions work in all versions of the Gnome Desktop, and when you recommend unsupported extensions, it can cause someone to break their desktop by using extensions that are so old and unsupported. For example, the extension that you use, Extend Panel Menu, causes that you can not login in versions superior to Gnome 3.28. You can not access to the desktop practically, be careful what you recommend, it can cause problems for many users.
Yes, the Gnome Global Menu extension have not support for Gnome Shell 3.30 and will not support i think. What is true is that https://github.com/shemgp/Gnome-Global-AppMenu is two years old but the last version that was made by me is not this one. Is this one: https://github.com/jiqing112/Gnome-Global-AppMenu with work really good on 3.28 different of what happens with the two years old version. On the another hand the project will not gets harder in Gnome 3.30 or something similar. The Gnome developers are who get harder every day more. I'm done of to have discussions to request support for the Gtk toolkit with them and this is the problem only. Make the extension work in Gnome3.30 is just easy to me, but make the extension work in Gtk 4.0 (When it will released), for example will not be so easy, because Gtk4 have not support anymore for the global menu in general. https://gitlab.com/lestcape/Gnome-Global-AppMenu/issues/116
Saludos, Señor Carballo. Yes, it's a shame that it doesn't have support for Gnome Shell 3.30. And yes, I know that https://github.com/shemgp/Gnome-Global-AppMenu is not your latest version, you're now on GitLab and the two-year version is on Github. And you are right, this version: https://github.com/jiqing112/Gnome-Global-AppMenu, works very well in Gnome 3.28, I tried it and it works very well. Now, I've been following the news about this and you're right, the Gnome developers want to completely eliminate the Global Menu and close the Gnome desktop. Personally I got used to using the Global Menu by macOS and by Ubuntu Unity, and I think it is a very useful tool, they do badly in not giving you the opportunity to continue with the development of your project; On the other hand, with GTK4 everything becomes more difficult, you are right. At the moment, Vala Panel is my option to have the Global Menu, but it's strange to not have it in a native way in Gnome Shell. And I think there are many who think in the same way, that it is a very useful tool. Gnome is not doing well, also eliminated the possibility of having icons on the desktop, something understandable, like everything that Gnome does.
Ok, the main reason of my comment is that most of code are there and right now Gtk 4.0 is not released so, if some developer only add fixes for the 3.30 release it will work again. Is not the first time that some external developer fix an extension that is only broken because a shell update. Is also intresting that there are not any developer that want to fix it for now. So, again the point is that this is not working on 3.30, because really there are not many that want to make it work... To a good listener, with a few words is enough... Saludos...
the discussion has become interesting, just say that for that reason right now I use plasma kde, greetings.
You are a user and the reason cost-benefit is always positive for a user, because a user don't invert anything in a free software product. What i talking about is why for DEVELOPERS the reason cost-benefit is negative? Also is more, because as you are suggesting there are a lot of users that want to have a global menu in GNOME. In other words: Where is o who is the part of the ecuation that produce that negative cost? If there the problem and if you want really-really a global menu in GNOME you will need to fix that rotten part of the equation.
Mr. Carballo. I think you're right, and there are not many developers who want to solve the problem, and with the arrival of GTK4 everything will be more difficult. I think Gnome is really the main problem in implementing those ideas,and literally mutilating, the Gnome desktop with each update. It's the fault of the Gnome developers, they don't have their users happy with their decisions, they remove so many important functions to the desktop, and the users were used to being able to modify every aspect of each distribution with Gnome desktop, It is obvious that they look for alternatives to have their desk to their liking. Now, many external developers have done their best to maintain certain functions even working with extensions, but if Gnome every time takes away the opportunity to make good extensions, it is understandable that the developers don't want to follow the development of any extension. I still don't know enough about JS, but believe me, I would be involved in the development if I knew enough of JS. And it's in that part where I understand that the developers invest a lot of time, and that is their cost, but they also need the benefits of their investment with support.
I think is not about know or not JS. If you are making software to a platform, sooner or later you will need the help of the platform creators. If you will as a developer invert time in learning something, is not because you want to create a war and then lose the benefis you can achive with your learn. Create a global menu in gnome is invert time in go to the "opposite" of what the GNOME developers consider ok and his direction. Maybe other developers will help you to keep working in an alternative solution, but not the Gnome develoepers, is not in his blood make that. They (most of them) try to destroy and critique all that is not in his radars. In that context create a GNOME software like the global menu extension is an auto-killed for the developer. To have a succes, it will end up hacking the plaform who is at less twice more dificult that develop something in normal conditions also without take in accound a possible help of the creators.
When I spoke specifically about JS I was referring to continue and to get involved in the development of the Global Menu, I had to explain myself better in that. And you are right, it is very important for developers the support of the creators of platforms, in this case of Evil Gnome. You're absolutely right, Gnome is ruining everything with his ideas of "making the experience better" for the user, and I've heard people defend the new approach of Gnome and say that the desktop is not for novices and that's why the experience with the desktop is bad; but comparing the Gnome desktop in a before and after, in the beginning it was for any type of user, it was more open, quite customizable, and even fun to use. But now they even want to take away the opportunity to customize with third party themes, but they do not do much to improve the appearance, the first thing users do when they install a distro with Gnome, is to remove the horrendous theme, the icons, and practically want the opportunity to customize each part of the system. Gnome has made it clear that if you are not with them, you are against, and that discourages any developer and stops investing time in something that does not have much future. What makes users conform to what is available or opt for other desktop environments. I do not see that things will end well, because Gnome is increasingly closed and now only they can decide regardless of the opinion of the users. But this is just my perception.
I agree in most of things... I thought it was not a novice in GNOME, but Gnome Shell is also not for me. Maybe i'm the exception of the rule or just simple I'm really a novice but I had not noticed it before :) I thing that people you heard that are defending the idea that gnome shell is not for novices, are using the same arguments that we listen in several Linux areas when something is not working properly and need a big user intervention. Like for example can be the argument we listening from the Arch-Linux community many times. I don't thing that is something valid, so... The reason of the software is to make the things easy to the user, not the opposite.
Greetings, Mr. Carballo. I'm sorry I didn't answer before. And I think like you, I think the Gnome Desktop is not for me anymore, maybe it was a while ago, when it was friendlier; Now I'm too new to use it. And yes, you're right, the people who say that defend the idea that Gnome is for users who already have some experience within the GNU / Linux environment, I think that's what they try to be within the scene "the option for experts" they want to be the reference for the "experts" and point to specific users, that's why they say it's better for business environments etc ... I am using ParrotOS for some time, its default desktop is MATE, and MATE is a great desktop, but it does not totally convince me; I've tried Pantheon too, but I think that definitely my option will be KDE, after many years with Gnome. Well, I hope that a change comes to Gnome and that it shows that some of the decisions that have been taken will drive away many users to other Desktop environments. Greetings
Hello, zayronXIO I don't test Plasma Shell from version 5.13 or .12 and I have read and seen very good things and I want to try to use it again. But you'll have to tell me how you did your customization in KDE, it looks great.
In case you haven't seen my screenshot clearly, I have shown the "neofetch" command output, and its my desktop which I shared, I didn't ask anyone to do the same or follow me. Anyways thank you for comment.
I know this isn't the place to ask this but i am going to anyway. Where do i go to post my own screenshots. i use this site daily but never to post but you have inspired me to make my own post so can someone point me in the direction of where to got to post my own screenshots.
Just go to www.opendesktop.org site, login and add product, else part you will be understand which is straight forward.