A theme developed by PaulXFCE
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Nextwaita is based on a snapshot of the newly developed New Adwaita (coming out with Gnome 3.32) (GGPL v2)
While I appreciate the effort of the Gnome-team into developing a new default theme, there are a number of issues. One of the longstanding issue is the size of the buttons and the header-bars. Adwaita is multipurpose: it needs to be big enough for touch-enabled screens, and at the same time usable enough to be used in a desktop environment.
Nextwaita is desktop-orientated. For that reason the header-bar is reduced, the buttons overall have less padding, the tabs have smaller footprint.
Nextwaita uses a gray-scaled color-pallet, instead of the brownish colors used throughout the new adwaita theme.
The switch-buttons that the present snapshot of new Adwaita provide, are not yet developed bug-free. So I provided a slightly different version, that addresses these issues.
Nextwaita uses different radio- and check-buttons, provides different sliders; and all this without the need for external graphics.
For the moment the Gnome-Development-team has not provided a GTK2-component for their team.
Nextwaita supports GTK2, that works seems-less with GTK3.

A major (personal) achievement is the creation of a gradually scalable version of Nextwaita.
By using 'Gnome-Tweaks/Fonts/Scalable factor' you can change the scale of the interface:
Setting this scale to 0.92 (for example) will scale the theme down to a level suitable for low resolution screens.
Setting the scale to 1.35 (for example) will scale the theme up to a level suitable for high resolution-screens.
This theme will change its buttons, radio-and checkbuttons, sliders, switches, and general padding accordingly.
While gnome already tries to scale, this theme does it better. This is done by using (relative) REM in some places instead of (fixed) pixels.
Carefull: Be carefull in setting the scalable factor, as it can get you into serious trouble.
This theme works best within these parameters:
0.92 - 1.35
It is not good at scale 2.00 (because the button-icons do not scale)
Version 3.0: Gnome 3.38 compatible, changes in nautilus header bar, support for new 'unified headerbar'-widget and gnome-shell adaptations
Version 2.2: gnome3.36 compatible and added shell themes
Version 2.1: fix for Gnome tweaks, Settings-app.
Version 2.0 has improved check- and radiobuttons, switches and contain numerous bugfixes. Support for 3.34.
Please try before commenting.
This theme is meant to be simple, cool, easy to the eyes, and above all consequent in its design. Meant for day-to-day use.
So, desktop-users, this is for you !
How to install:
just untar the downloaded file and drop it in the '.themes'-folder (You may have to create it first). Use gnome-tweaks and choose the theme;
Ratings & Comments
9 Great, thanks!. Are there more fully scalable themes like this?
1 1 ugh Why are you delete my comment about updating to GNOME 40? Can you update theme to gnome 40?
Remove Ratingf
Update theme pls for GNOME 40.
9 This is so cool when theme contains only 2 archives (regular and dark). No millions of stupid copy-paste themes. Thx
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
How to fix black line on libreoffice tab interface? https://ibb.co/sHxjwX3
you use light or dark theme? and what DE?
light theme on xfce.
I see the same thing with Gnome DE. Just a guess but maybe Libreoffice uses the GTK2 theme instead os GTK3.
Best of the Best!
10 10 the best
Excellent theme. I love it. But you kind of forgot the "/" at gnome-shell.css:869. ;)
Thanks, I will fix it !
9 excellent
10 Works flawlessly on 3.38!
That was the intention...
10 another master piece, thanks paul!
Any plans for 3.38 support? :D
I just did....
+1 for XFCE support :)
10 10 the best
Definitely a favorite, it would be perfect with an xfwm theme.