Description: Adwaita with OSX window controls with full support for dark Adwaita theme
For people who just want the default experience enhanced just a bit
Based on USBA's Adwaita-OSX repository that sadly, hasn't been updated in over 8 months, and since it is under GPL, I figured I'd take over. The difference with my repo is that I also made dark version and install scripts.
I tested it on Fedora 29. Currently it is just Applications theme and I think it will stay just that. Icon theme used is La Captaine (
No, the "/" in the pathbar. It may render fine versions prior to 3.30, but in 3.30 it looks ugly. That's it. Everything else is fine. I am looking forward.
Ratings & Comments
Looks great but could you make a variant with normal window button spacing?
9 +
9 Would have been perfect if the Nautilus header bar issue was fixed.
Do you mean the spacing? I dodn't really see it as a priority, more like prefference. I could make alt version in the future, keep tuned :)
No, the "/" in the pathbar. It may render fine versions prior to 3.30, but in 3.30 it looks ugly. That's it. Everything else is fine. I am looking forward.
For some reason, both dark and light themes appear dark here. Running Debian 9 with XFCE desktop.
I tested it on XFCE and it just doesn't work as intended. I am sorry thoug, I don't know why :/
Thanks anyway. FWIW, I tried with metacity WM too, and it didn’t work either.
9 +
Love it ~ USBA
9 +