Web Page: drasite.com/flat-remix-gtk
- Flat Remix GTK Yellow
- Flat Remix GTK Yellow Dark
- Flat Remix GTK Yellow Darker
- Flat Remix GTK Yellow Darkest
- Flat Remix GTK git version (master) - latest version from GitHub (may not be stable)
- Solid - Theme without transparency
- No Border - Darkest theme without white window border




- Download and extract the .tar.xz file.
- Move "Flat-Remix-GTK-Yellow" folder to ".themes" in your home directory.
- To set the theme, run the following command in Terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Flat-Remix-GTK-Yellow"
or select "Flat-Remix-GTK-Yellow" via distribution specific tweaks.
Other Projects
Flat Remix ICON theme

Flat Remix GNOME/Ubuntu/GDM

Ratings & Comments
Added to Gentoo Guru https://gpo.zugaina.org/Overlays/guru/x11-themes/flat-remix-gtk
7 7 good
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
Great! I loved this dark theme. The symbols inside the folder icons are white in the dark theme, could you change it to black or to the same color as the background color?
Oh, right! didn't notice the difference in the folder's color, thanks for the suggestion I will change it ;) Also, if you like the theme don't forget to rate it :) (and share it) that helps me a lot
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
10 10 the best
Thank you!! ;)
10 10 the best
Thanks! ;)
The Yellow Darkest No Border is favorite
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
10 10 the best! My favorite theme of all time. I've created 5 Firefox themes to match all dark themes (4 colors). https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=flat%20remix Thanks!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
9 +
Given the brightness of the yellow, can we get a change (or new version) with BLACK highlight/selected text?
It's hard to see the white text on the yellow
The text for highlighted elements is actually black, the first screenshot was outdated. Anyway some elements may remain with white text over yellow background but I'm working on it \(⊙ᴗ⊙)/
It's finally fixed! :)
9 +
9 It fits well with An Old Hope, too bad that you do not develop themes for KDE.