Web Page: drasite.com/flat-remix-gtk
- Flat Remix GTK Green
- Flat Remix GTK Green Dark
- Flat Remix GTK Green Darker
- Flat Remix GTK Green Darkest
- Flat Remix GTK git version (master) - latest version from GitHub (may not be stable)
- Solid - Theme without transparency
- No Border - Darkest theme without white window border




- Download and extract the .tar.xz file.
- Move "Flat-Remix-GTK-Green" folder to ".themes" in your home directory.
- To set the theme, run the following command in Terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Flat-Remix-GTK-Green"
or select "Flat-Remix-GTK-Green" via distribution specific tweaks.
Other Projects
Flat Remix ICON theme

Flat Remix GNOME/Ubuntu/GDM

Ratings & Comments
The green dark theme is super !!!
8 Love it, using on Manjaro, just 1 thing......extension settings menu are not following the Flat remix colours and have reverted to default theming.
9 9 excellent
Thank you ;)
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
10 10 the best
Thank you! ;)
9 9 excellent
Thanks! ;) Does it work fine on budgie? Any suggestion for improvement?
If i find any, I will report on github.
Great! thank you :)
10 10 the best! My favorite theme of all time. I've created 5 Firefox themes to match all dark themes (4 colors). https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=flat%20remix Thanks!
9 9 excellent Really good themes only needs xfce support for window borders other than that it blends excellent with papirus dark icon theme with green folder icons.
Thanks for the feedback! Next week I'll add xfce window theme ;)
And there is a problem with the light theme.There are bad color values in the xfce4 panel but the dark themes works ok.I cheched other light themes like ant and arc and they don't have that problem either. Please fix i prefer light theme for use with LibreOffice and other apps. Thanks for your time and dedication
I don't understand what you mean with 'color values', as I'm not a xfce user. Could you please mail me some examples to daniel@drasite.com or comment it here https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix-gtk/issues/25
I sent to you an email describing the details. Thanks again!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
8 8 great
Hi, I love this, but please improve XFCE4 version, thanks!
I'm finally working on xfce support!, so I'll try to finish it in 1-2 weeks. You can see the github issue here https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix-gtk/issues/25
Is it going to be compatible for Budgie Destops any soon?