Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:plasma-5
Description:New high contrast style color scheme with the bouncing buttons as I call them has been added.
If you want to see the best screenshots without the blurriness then click and enlarge so and you will have a much better view.
The new Breeze style icons are here:
The folder icons are here:
The Konsole theme is here:
The GTK theme is here:
The look and feel theme is here:
The Aurorae themes are here:
The Plasma themes are here:
The Plasma color schemes are here:
For wallpapers in the screenshots go to Charlie Henson's:
For original Materia KDE
Ratings & Comments
10 Looks great and even greater when paring with the Papirus icons pack!
8 8 great......good job, but kvantum version missing....pleaseeee! thanks
10 10 the best - gorgeous.
Thanks so much and don't forget to try the darker version along with all the other stuff like Konsole themes and stuff.
10 10 the best
Thanks a lot
Hi freefreeno, how about linking the wallpaper directly as a courtesy to Charlie Henson, as skimming through 4K+ wallpapers isnt easy to find the one in the screenshot. ;) Would be cool if you do, since your screenshots are great.
Should install with look and feel theme.
https://www.pling.com/p/1296893 Sorry for earlier and I will give exact location but truthfully sometimes I don't even know so like right then I had to dig into the look and feel theme to find the number for the wallpaper and look it up that way. Thanks for the compliment.
Hi freefreeno, for the source under the source link, we expect to point to an extracted version, not point to an archive, which is the files section for. That is the whole point for using a version system like git whenever there are more than one file, like for icons. Therefore please see to extract the theme there, so anyone can follow development changes of your derivates. Thanks.
That's no problem but it is all there anyways. There is top themes here that the link simply points to a gtk theme and it may be a an aurorae theme that is supposed to be there and I will not name names but I will not be singled out because my theme is getting more downloads and I will not allow someone to talk to me the he has on first ever comment when admin should also be concerned about the way he came on here with first comment and spoke to me. So you say the what he did on first comment after me already plastering credit for Materia theme is the correct way to handle a problem??? I am just saying that I expect to be talked to correctly like a person and I expect that from anyone in this world and since all my stuff is there and the top theme on this site can not even be found at Git Hub then well if you don't see my point by now.
Since we are telling on people for having all there stuff in a zipped folder then let me tell on people too. This is a look and feel theme. https://github.com/EliverLara/Sweet.git The link points to gtk stuff and not even to a look and feel so seems to me that is way worse then me having all the stuff there in a zip folder. I have asked nicely like a person should be asked for this to be changed but at was not.
I am in no way saying that I will not unzip my stuff if that makes everyone happy but I am saying that I expect everyone to be under same rules.
Of course, and thank you for correcting things here.
I fixed it. I honestly thought as long as I had it all there to be cloned then I was fine. I am only doing this for about 3 months so I am learning just like I will have to learn git also. It was an honest mistake made with no ill intentions toward anyone. I will fix any others that need to be fixed. I honestly did it thinking it was ok and another reason is because I was already learning so much stuff that I didn't want to add another thing to learn at the time. I am only doing derivates as you say until learn enough to build my own stuff. If I knew how to do every single thing and I would much rather it be that way I would be using my stuff most if not all of the time. Thanks
Looks good.
Just so everyone knows all my stuff was fixed well before the end of the month. All 70 or whatever the amount of themes I have are now fully extracted at github with proper everything. I am just letting you know. It did take me a couple weeks to learn and fix everything but it is now fixed.
You really have time support 26 Plasma Themes & 27 GTK Themes. I think it's impossible support more 50 themes. Why your Gtihub page without commits and changelogs? You designer or uploader? I can too upload +100500 variation my Plasma theme, like as Materia ArchLinux, Materia KaOS, Materia Fedora or Arc Dark RED, Arc Dark Green and etc... But i'm not doing this. Please think about your doings and read this: https://blog.opendesktop.org/improving-quality-licenses-part-ii-and-misuse/
I give you credit and thanks every where I can just like above and the license allows me to change stuff and upload it so I really don't understand your gripe. I am obeying license for sure so I guess your just mad at me for using your stuff. I am sorry you don't want your stuff used but it is opensourse and I have gave you credit and I keep my GitHub stuff updated.
Yes, i know about credits and this good way. I don't mind forks and modification themes. But your Gihub stuff used as archive hosting. But where changes, commits? GitHub - it's development place.
You shouldn't have spoke to me the way you did on first ever comment
It is open source and I purposely don't use your colors and well beside the base one one theme and honestly you know as well as I do you I am doing nothing wrong and I give you credit.
I will try my best to not make any new themes and only update the themes that I already have with your stuff. The only things I need to know to be able to make my own stuff is building the svg's and I have only been doing this for three months and have learned a lot and I have even told you on Git Hub that I wanted to learn to build my own widgets and svg's . I can change stuff and make own colors all day long but I have yet to figure out how to completely build my own stuff such as plasma widgets. I know you most likely will not but if you could point me in the right direction it would help me stay away from your stuff.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best