Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
You can download SuperKaramba themes at:
http://www.superkaramba.com (new!)
What is SuperKaramba?
SuperKaramba is, in simple terms, a tool that allows you to easily create interactive eye-candy on your KDE desktop. Currently, only linux is officially supported.
How does it work?
Theme writers create themes, or text files that define their widget. Then, they can optionally add python scripting to make their widget interactive. The possibilities are endless!
Here are just some examples of the things that can be done:
Display system information such as CPU Usage, MP3 playing, etc.
Create cool custom toolbars that work any way imaginable
Create little games or virtual pets that live on your desktop
Display information from the internet, such as weather and headlines
The possibilities really are endless!
Changes in 0.35
- Ryan (p0z3r), Petri, Ivica, and Sarah have done all the work on this release! Thanks!
- many new APIs
- new callbacks
- DCOP interface for superkaramba
- multiple superkarambas / one systray support
- added Fahrenheit support
- fixed the "moving themes" problem
- fixed the "always on top" problem
- fixed bug in setMenuConfigOption(). Please see api.html for the new syntax.
- asyncronous image loading. setImagePath() should now work with networked/remote files.
- fixed bug in meterClicked()
- fixed bug in setRichTextWidth() and getRichTextSize()
- much more code cleanup, bug fixes, and internal documentation
Ratings & Comments
Please update this site. P.S. I love superkaramba
superkaramba-0.37rc1-s93k341.i586.rpm at http://linux3114a.bravehost.com/download.htm Don't forget to read note before installing . Tested on Suse 9.3 ..Ok ENJOY
due to Scarlet problem use http://linux3114a.bravehost.com/download.htm in place of http://home.tiscali.be/raoul.linux/download.htm
superkaramba-0.35-s92k33.i586.rpm at http://home.tiscali.be/raoul.linux/download.htm very nice program.....
Can superkaramba show the applets in a tranparent foreground window? That should be possible with X.org at least. The latest (or upcoming?) MacOS has something like superkaramba, but you can bring it to the foreground with a single mouseclick. I don't use superkaramba just because of that (also because debian doesn't ship x.org..), because I almost never see my desktop anyway.
Ok, I've got some working code for a dirty hack. It's working with screenshots, not with transparent windows, so this mode should only be entered while holding the mouse button down on the tray icon to keep the user from doing anything else while the widgets are on top. The patch is not finished, but it's working already. This is it in action: http://fred.hexbox.de/superkaramba/karamba_foreground_mode.jpg
Same here. Hate that dock_icon. Any easy way to change it? App itself is fantastic!
I have superkaramba 0.34 (not tested 0.35 yet) and I would like to know how to disable superkaramba's systray ? Thanks !
How to change dock_icon? Damn it's ugly!
I made a (10.0) Slackware package for SuperKaramba 0.34 : http://users.skynet.be/fa052720/slackware/superkaramba-0.34-i386-1jmjjg.tgz Please, tell me if it works for you :-)
With SK 0.34 installed, my CPU cycles are lower than they've ever been since I started running all this eyecandy crap. ;-) It seems to be working fine on KDE 3.2.3.
themes with the a text attribute align="right" does not align to the right but to the left
Looks like you didn't fix it being on top of other windows. As I sit here pissed that I upgraded because that was supposed to be fixed, and in fact I am now looking at my weather app, on top of my browser window.
are you running 3.3beta1? if 'kde-config -v' does not return a valid version number for kde (ie '3.2.2' is valig while '3.2.91 (3.3 beta1)' is not) the configure script will not work correctly. Try reading more at the forums at netdragon.sf.net
hum, with the fix at netdragon listed in the forums, it works fine using kde3 beta and whatever kde version. this is with superkaramba 0.33 my 2cents ;)
So, we *still* have to hack the source if we don't want applets on top by default?
I don't think you read the release notes, because if you did you would see this: "Fixed tons of bugs including, but not limited to, themes always on top in KDE 3.2,"