Breeze Darker
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Breeze Darker theme is a little darker then the Breeze Dark
Icons in screenshots are the Newaita Icons:
Wallpapers are from Charlie Henson:
I am gonna say this for people who do not know. If you will set your look and feel to NORMAL BREEZE and not to Breeze-Dark then your panel and Kickoff menu and the entire theme will try to adapt to whatever color-scheme you apply.
Set look and feel to Breeze
Install color scheme
Install Breeze-Darker GTK theme
Set the themes You will have to select Breeze Darker in Kate
Lots of screenshots here:
https://github.com/freefreeno/Breeze-Darker-KDE-color-scheme-and-GTK-theme-with-icons-with-transparent-plasma-theme Last changelog:
Icons in screenshots are the Newaita Icons:
Wallpapers are from Charlie Henson:
I am gonna say this for people who do not know. If you will set your look and feel to NORMAL BREEZE and not to Breeze-Dark then your panel and Kickoff menu and the entire theme will try to adapt to whatever color-scheme you apply.
Set look and feel to Breeze
Install color scheme
Install Breeze-Darker GTK theme
Set the themes You will have to select Breeze Darker in Kate
Lots of screenshots here:
Fixed folder issue
File is not compressed anymore so it will install correctly.
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Excellent man, this is really nice...
Thanks Charlie. Will be nicer will GTK theme installed if you have not done that. This GTK theme looks good.
9 + Do not compress the file in tar.gz because when it is installed, it downloads the folder. Set up to download and install only: BreezeDarker.colors
Yea that is the way I normally do it but I forgot and was in a hurry to post. I love making the stuff but hate posting it. Takes to long because I have already made the repo on github. I wish it was there was a faster way to post and I can never add over 2 to 3 screenshots because of out of room. I will fix it. Thanks for letting me know.
Ok, we're helping each other. By the way, correct for other color schemes.
Fixed or should be for all.
Colorscheme, the rest is okay.
You misunderstand. I am saying all fixed. Shame my themes have been on here for months and your the first person to tell me that the folder was installing also. Hard to debug anything like that.
Good morning, if you scale the screenshots to 1280 X 720 .jpg you will get all thats allowed.
There is about 20 at github link above.