Basically this theme is "ARC" modified to make it just work to the latest GTK engine.
This theme has been test on MX-Linux 19 “Patito Feo” released! with default Desktop Environment XFCE-4.14 edition, For more details see in the screenshot section.
Available for GTK/GTK Engines:
1. GTK+ 3.22 or later
2. GTK2 engines requirment:
(1). GTK2 engine Murrine or later.
(2). GTK2 pixbuf engine or the gtk(2) - engines package.
Fedora/RedHat distros:
yum install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines
Ubuntu/Mint/Debian distros:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines
Other: Search for the engines in your distributions repository or install the engines from source.
1.) Extract the .zip, tar.gz file to the (.themes) on your Home directory i.e. ~/.themes/ (create it if necessary), OR /usr/share/themes/ for as root user.
2.) To set the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Dark-Olympic"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Dark-Olympic"
OR change via distribution specific tweaktools.
Please up vote or press the plus sign to show your support for this theme.
Donations :
However The Dark-Olympic theme is available for free. if you're enjoying the Dark-Olympic theme, feel free to buy me a cofee
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
i found a glitch on MATE, the bar indicating the volume doesn't appear:
8 8 great
9 9 excellent
9 good
@alibaba2 thank you somuch for your rate :)
10 10 the best - works right and don't mess with my Xfce panel icons
would be nice if more color options, variants :) orange, green, coffee-brown, violet...
@xfce4ddict thanks for your rate and iam glad if that work for you. Focused at this time is for xfce4, again thanks for your reports. Future update i'll add more color option for variants this theme.
10 That should do it, thanks!!
@pterodactyl you welcome and thank you somuch for a fave, vote and support.....Enjoy!
10 10 the best
@avisri thank you :)
9 +
Thanks for your support and inspired me on this theme bro :) I hope in the next release your distribution, Xfwm4 for xfce is available :)
9 +
Thank you for your support :)