Description: These are the color schemes for my Fluent Plasma themes that I will be posting very soon. These themes have different varying amount of darkness so everybody should find one to there liking. There is 5 color schemes here and there will be 5 plasma themes to go with each color scheme plus an extra one called Fluent-black for those of use that like really dark themes. Also there is a matching GTK theme for each of these themes. There is Konsole themes also. I have tested all these themes and fixed all the little problems and all are perfect.
Directions: Set look-and-feel to Breeze (NOT BREEZE DARK) Install my color scheme Install my Plasma theme Set the colors and the plasma theme and your done.
Credits for wallpapers go to Charlie Henson here:
Icons are the Newaita iocns found here:
Credits for some of my widgets go to Vinceliuce and his themes can be found here:
I have a lot of screenshots here:
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
10 10 the best love the Lavendar