Description: Color schemes for the Paramount Plasma theme. Works best with force blur enabled. It can be found here: & a tutorial on enabling it here:
Wallpaper in screenshot cam from here: ( It is not the best for this kind of thing but i can't find one that shows off truly how good this looks)
Icons in screenshots are the Newaita icons found here:
There is so far two color schemes. One has different colored title bar and the other is solid. There is two aurorae themes for the two color schemes. Also two gtk themes. I most likely will make a look and feel also and there is also a Konsole theme to match the theme. I have this set up where you can have it a number of different ways. You can have it solid with Breeze or solid with my aurorae theme. You can have it with colored title bars with Breeze or with my aurorae theme. So yea there should be one for everyone one. I haven't tried it without transparency but I do have some apps that I have not enabled it in and they seem to be more than fine.
Screenshots are showing you the different window decorations available and this theme is really made for a little more transparency but I wanted you to be able to see all the colors for what they are.
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