Description: Flatery is icon theme for linux in flat style licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 .
Installation: After downloading/extracting, move the `Flatery` and `Flatery-Dark` folders to `/usr/share/icons` if you want them to be visible for all users. If you want them to be visible only to your user, move them to `~/.icons` (GTK-based distros) or `~/.local/share/icons` (KDE-based distros). Similarily move the `Flatery-wallpapers` folder to `/usr/share/wallpapers` or `~/.local/share/wallpapers`.
Attention: Flatery and Flatery-Dark download required to install color options
10Dear Cybernix, I reduced the size of the Flatery theme here and increased it to 24 colors. I hope there are no errors.
88 great. Absolutely love it! But I wish it did not replace icons of all 3rd party apps. e.g. VSCode, Firefox, Spotify etc. If it just replaced system icons, like what Advaita icon set does. This would be absolutely perfect icon set for me.
10Excellent work! My favorite icon theme.
I'm using Flatery standard, on KDE Plasma and really loving it, it is very elegant.
One issue though, whenever i'm connecting to wi-fi and the connection establishes, the Plasma OSD notification shows a puple folder icon (folder-network.svg), instead of the wifi symbol (network-wireless-connected.svg). Surprisingly, when i'm disconnecting from wifi, the icon that shows is correct, a red wifi symbol (network-wireless-disconnected.svg). I wish you could see into it. Thanks again !
Ratings & Comments
10 Very good icon theme.
10 I like it!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
7 Not bad. Been using Flattery for a couple years now, and it's nice, but I've recently moved on to Mirage and all its purple-black goodness :)
10 Dear Cybernix, I reduced the size of the Flatery theme here and increased it to 24 colors. I hope there are no errors.
10 Excellent!
10 10 the best I love it It's go well with Dracula theme Have an ultra nice day peace
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
1 I can't uninstall. I tried manually removing the contents in all the relevant places, but the themes continue to appear.
10 the best
3 sick of flat icon themes :(
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
8 8 great. Absolutely love it! But I wish it did not replace icons of all 3rd party apps. e.g. VSCode, Firefox, Spotify etc. If it just replaced system icons, like what Advaita icon set does. This would be absolutely perfect icon set for me.
10 Excellent work! My favorite icon theme. I'm using Flatery standard, on KDE Plasma and really loving it, it is very elegant. One issue though, whenever i'm connecting to wi-fi and the connection establishes, the Plasma OSD notification shows a puple folder icon (folder-network.svg), instead of the wifi symbol (network-wireless-connected.svg). Surprisingly, when i'm disconnecting from wifi, the icon that shows is correct, a red wifi symbol (network-wireless-disconnected.svg). I wish you could see into it. Thanks again !
10 10 el mejor
create an icon for the Netbeans IDE, please!!!!!!!!
As soon as I get back to working on the icons, I will immediately do
I added to the git: org.apache.netbeans netbeans netbeans-beta
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best icon material