Quarkz = Android Q / 10 2.4Ghz + 750Mhz
Refox= Android R / 11 2.4Ghz + 750Mhz (from 1215 and later, should be booted on Android S/12 too)
Phantasm = Android P / 9 2.4Ghz + 750Mhz
Channel Telegram : https://t.me/NeutrinoCh
for old kernels :
for more details, go to : https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_asus_sdm660/blob/changelogs/readme.md
please download from here

QuantumKiller discontinued
Ratings & Comments
When 4.4.302 for pie sir..?
10 10 the best
10 10 the best Kernel gak da obeng
10 10 the best (smooth!)
10 10 the best