With the possibility of creating both, a top panel and dock, with everything you need to work.
It is not new that many of us like the visual aspect of macOS, thinking about that I created this Layout, with a Top Panel and a Dock.
I hope you enjoy it!! };-]
First of all, you need to install Latte Dock and a few Widgets or Plasmoids, to make it work properly.
> Installing Latte Dock
Thanks to the developer of Latte Dock now we don't need to install the git version because now the git version and the stable version are the same, so we can install the stable version from the repositories of each distro to have the latest Latte Dock.
But if you still want to install the Latte Dock Git version you can visit the Github repository and follow the steps to install it at INSTALLATION.md
But the recommendation is to install from the stable version from your distro's package repository since it is the same version.
> Importing Themes
To import the themes into Latte Dock you must run Latte Dock and then right click on any part of the Dock, then "Layouts" and "Manage Layouts", when the window opens look for "Import" click and Search where you have saved your downloaded theme file; now double click on the "In Menu" part, so you have access from the menu without opening the "Manage Layouts" window at any time, and that's all. Now you can enjoy any theme you like.
> Widgets or Plasmoids NEDDED!!
For mcOS Catalina Layout to work properly, you need to install these Widgets.
So right click on Plasma desktop and go to "Add Widgets", then "Get New Widgets" and then "Dowload New Plasma Widgets" and search for the next Widgets:
List of Widgets from left to right and Need to install
- Kpple Menu
- Application Title
- Global Menu
- Latte Side Bar
- Ditto Menu
- Better inline Clock
- Audio Volume
- Inline Battery
- Networks
- Netspeed Widget
- System Tray
Need to install
- Application Title
- Latte Side Bar
- Latte Spacer
- Latte Separator
- Better inline Clock
- Launchpad Plasma Menu
- Inline Battery
- Kpple Menu
- Event Calendar
- Media Player Control Compact
- Netspeed Widget
- Ditto Menu
And that's it, now you can enjoy a desktop with the appearance of macOS Catalina.
Themes and icons used in the screenshots
From @vinceliuice.
From @paulxfce.
From @zayronXIO.
Simple video with simple instructions to install Latte Dock and import Layouts in Manjaro KDE:
Albert App Launcher BS Themes
Catalina Login Screen for SLiM Display Manager
Do not forget to vote if you liked this theme and leave a comment if you encounter any problems.
I hope you enjoy it!! };-]
Ratings & Comments
9 Мне понравилось. Красиво и лаконично. И хорошо изложено.
7 7 good
10 10 the best
10 How did you get that apple finder stuff at top bar and apple macos icons on top bar? Also is it worth changing to latte dock if im using plank dock?
10 10 the best
Thank you @mubsshir };-)
10 10 the best
Thank you very much, @hellolio };-)
10 the best
Thank you very much, @wolfinbanboo };-)
The layout is excellent, and I'll use it all the way. There's a question, that the icon "launchpad.svg" replaced to Launchpad Plasma doesn't display normally. It just displayes like a white round shape without patterns in it. But the other two icons "ditto-search.svg"
and "sidebarNotification.svg" display well. Could you help me solve it?
Sure, wolfinbanboo, first you must go to the Latte Dock configuration then click on "Rearrange and configure your widgets", then place the cursor on the widget, without clicking, a small menu will appear and deactivate the option "Enable painting for this applet" , that fixes it. Thanks for reporting it, the next update will be resolved by default, and thanks for your vote, wolfinbanboo };-)
Thank you very much! The icon is now normal.
10 10 the best
Thank you };-)
A question. How did you make Global Menu show the options from Finder when no window was open in your video?
how to delete it
Hello, @goldendevil2004 To delete layouts, right click on any part of the dock or panel, then go to layouts, manage layouts, and when the layouts window appears, select the layout theme and then remove. If you have had any problem, you can report what is the problem that you are presented to solve it, thanks for your comment };-]
Hi!! Excelent layout but I can't find the way to make it work at all because the side bar widget. I don't have latte dock v1.10. How do you make it work??? Thanks!!!
Hello, @marcomurakami, thanks for your comment. Well, to install the latest version you must go to the github repository (https://github.com/KDE/latte-dock), clone or download the zip file and enter to the "latte-dock" folder, inside is the "INSTALLATION.md" file with all the installation instructions, basically what you do is install some dependencies depending on your distro, in the file are the commands for "Kubuntu, KDE Neon, Arch Linux...", so, open a terminal and execute the dependency installation commands and then execute the file "install.sh", wait for the compilation to finish and you will have the latest version of Latte Dock. You can vote with 10 if you like the theme, friend };-]
But the master branch has 0.9.11 version, not 0.10.
No problem, friend, this is the version that I always compile and always use. The version of this GitHub repository is the one that is always more updated with the new features.
10 10 los mejores
Thank you very much, @zayronXIO };-]