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Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Become a Fan
ROUNDED style inspired by Breeze style.
All elements & icons have rounded corners.
This settings contained:
- Splash
- Aurorae Theme
- Color Scheme
- Plasma Theme
- Cursor Theme
- Wallpaper
Latte 0.10 layout here:
https://www.pling.com/p/1571402 Last changelog:
All elements & icons have rounded corners.
This settings contained:
- Splash
- Aurorae Theme
- Color Scheme
- Plasma Theme
- Cursor Theme
- Wallpaper
Latte 0.10 layout here:
- Fix splash
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 20220221
downloads 24h 8
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 9
More Global Themes (Plasma 5) from x-varlesh-x:
Other Global Themes (Plasma 5):
Global Themes
Global Themes in Plasma are Meta- or Super-Themes, capable of changing multiple aspects of the desktop environment at once, like Window Decoration, Plasma Theme, Color Scheme, Icon Theme etc. In addition, one can define the complete Layout, like what panel to use where, the menu type used and much more.
An example Global Theme:
For more info how to create Global themes click here:
https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Create_a_Global Theme_Package
Or watch this video:

Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
10 Been using this and the dark version for months now. Thanks!
10 10 the best
For some reason, when applying this theme, it didn't show like on the picture, loading KWin instead of Latte, even with the apply theme layout option active
10 I love this theme! Btw, how do you make the application launche not be in a corner? Yours in the screenshots looks great
10 excellent theme. I just would like to change the window bar buttons to the mac if possible. But love the feel of the rounded edges and colors.
Hi everyone. This is a very nice theme and my favorite theme, but after one of the latest updates it broke. In the corners I see blurry sharp corners. Also noticed that some window decorations are not compatible with this theme. We tried to reinstall with clean caches, unfortunately it didn't work. Can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this? Thanks
It's KWin bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395725 Try disable blur effect on systemsettings.
Yes, it was absolutely helpful, thanks so much! But the problem with incorrect compatibility still persists, some windows decorations either go out of the window or are closer to the center and have no background. Is it also a bug with kwin?
I need help. I have been using gnome. This is my first time with Kde. I am trying to make my entire desktop look like this. 1. I can't find how to use the dark setting. The only thing I can make dark is the window border. 2. My desktop looks nothing like this. There has to bee a lot of steps missing. so, if some one could help me please. I need instructions on how to use the dark varient and make the rest of my desktop look like the picture. Thanks
For dark version you need change color scheme on systemsettings. But need install this color scheme. Dock - Latte with floating options
Thanks I found that. I even figured out how to move the panel to the top and make it so it doesn't take up the entire top. But, the corners of the panel are still square and not "round" like in the screenshot. Am I missing something there? I will download the dock next. Thanks for the help.
When you click on panel settings, you can see arrow from the edge. Move this arrow on center. Also you can enable auto-hide option for comphortable usage.
yep, yep got that part. I can use the arrows so that it doesn't take up the entire top. But the edges are still flat and not rounded as in the picture. I must be missing something here... so close.. just need to figure this last part out.
I got it now, thanks for all your help. I thin it was the "Application Style" or something. Anyway it all looks wonderful now.
10 Great theme, absolutely makes my KDE install amazing.
9 9 excelente
Can I mail you? I need to talk.
9 Corners are visible at rare situations. GTK+ apps aren't rounded.
10 Best! But you need RONDED to apply changes immediately
Great theme Varlesh! One question: which application style are you using in these screenshots?
1 RUSSIAN: ROUNDED, исправьте, пожалуйста, проблему большого потребления памяти у вашей темы. При старте системы аппетиты у вашей темы вполне адекватные, но в процессе использования эта тема превращается в большую жирную клоаку, которая хочет съесть твой дом. ENGLISH: ROUNDED please fix the problem of high memory consumption for your theme. At the start of the system, the appetites for your theme are quite adequate, but in the process of using this theme it turns into a big fat cesspool who wants to eat your house.
RUSSIAN: ROUNDED, исправьте, пожалуйста, проблему большого потребления памяти у вашей темы. При старте системы аппетиты у вашей темы вполне адекватные, но в процессе использования эта тема превращается в большую жирную клоаку, которая хочет съесть твой дом. ENGLISH: ROUNDED please fix the problem of high memory consumption for your theme. At the start of the system, the appetites for your theme are quite adequate, but in the process of using this theme it turns into a big fat cesspool who wants to eat your house.
Для решения и выяснения подобных проблем существует GitHub c запросами и багрепортами. Возможна проблема в утекающем стороннем виджете. https://github.com/varlesh/rounded/issues
10 10 the best