Available as/for:gnome-40gtk3-24matexfce-416
Description:A Theme getting the look of leopard while using the adwaita 3.24 code structure.
Tghe globalmenu folder contains a different metacity theme that works better when using gloalmenu.
If you have a small screen you might add:
.-vala-panel-appmenu-bold > menuitem:nth-child(1) > label { font-size: 0 ; min-width: 0px; padding: 0px; margin:0px; }
to the gtk-conatined .css and activate bold global application menu. Not set as default.
It is optically similar to previous mac theme. The gtk3 code is rewritten from scratch using adwaita as base.
The attached metacity theme is only slightly modified.
added gnome version
fixed xfwm button colors, slightly increased their size as requested.
EDIT: VERY BASIC support for xfce
Ratings & Comments
i find this different when use firefox and chromium 1. https://ibb.co/R2G0PFs 2. https://ibb.co/tJxt5cB buttons color in firefox green is minimize button , yellow is maxmum button , but in chromium button is yellow green red i like firefox button but firefox button color is wrong
using few day , firefox buttons size need bigger, small size no easy to click, many thanks your beautiful theme
xfwm bug confirmed and now fixed
This is beautiful! Great work. One weird thing, though: In Xfce the Close and Minimize Buttons have been switched. So, instead of green making it bigger, it minimizes the windows, and the Yellow instead of minimizing will now maximize. Other than that? Wow! I love it!
Holy crap, I started that wrong, but the finished part is right. The Minimize and Maximize buttons are reversed in Xfce. LOL Sorry
Example please i suppose that this or next week ill have time to look on xfwm theme.
The function of the yellow and green buttons for maximize and minimize are reversed. Green should maximize the windows. Yellow should minimize the window. Right now, they are reversed. Thanks. :-)
xfwm bug confirmed and now fixed. Thx for your help to improve the theme
Thank you! Much better. I am curious about something, though. Why do the buttons appear different in Gnome than in Xfce? They do not have the clear glassiness look that they do in Xfce. Just curious.
8 (##0##) Apparently, this website has given up on unimportant things like comment formatting, so please forgive this weird numbering. (##1##) The gitlab repo is missing the xfwm4 subdir, and hasn't been updated since its initial commit over a year ago. Is the git repo the main focus of development? If not, please update or remove the gitlab link, because folks will be trying to do a "git pull" with their copies [for posterity, this upstream was https://gitlab.com/bluedxca93/devil-leopard at the time of writing]. (##2##) Thank you for making the bottom border big enough to be gripped (6px high) in xfwm. Can I suggest making the bottom right and bottom left elements "L"-shaped or "_"-shaped, about 15 to 20px wide? Like a NeXTSTEP window. The bottom corner XPMs take their inset value from the bottom and left/right side XPMs. (##3##) Some windows, like Transmission or the Nautilus Properties dialog box, have disproportionately big min/max/close buttons (in GNOME). Is there anything that can be done about that? (##6##) It's visibly keyboard-navigable. Thank you for retaining this feature, which is essential for some disabled folk. Too many fancypants designers drop the "visibility" part of keyboard navigation, and it's not a good look. (##5##) Selected tabs in gtk3-widget-factory's 1st page, at the bottom, retain ghostly oval outlines after you click on them.
##0## Necessary cause of this site to maintain both git and opendesktop. Looking at the end user perspective i do update gnome look first. Mayor udates will also kept in sync with gitlab. I personally doubt people will contribute to my theme. ##1## now fixed. ##2## screenshots please. Do you mean to increase the width of bottomedges.? Try it next days-/weeks. ##3## Design choice of either your icon theme or cause you use headerbars-/tittlebars. Need a real screenshots they are 1.3x bigger? but less than 2 times if im not mistaken. ##4## cant find ##5## make a screen gif with peek please. Need to look at it ##93## Thx very much for your feedback. Maybe we can continue discussion as an gitlab issue. Reason is opendesktop org forum blocks sometimes the conversation after some replies etc.
@1freepony i could reproduce the big window buttons in gnome. They should be fixed nopw .Next days i need to check the xfwm theme.
This is gorgeous. Could you please add a shell theme to it, too? Also, where do I get those icons from?
Noobslab had the icons and B00merang theming too i think. Gbnome Shell need a screenshot and the exact version that you actually use.
I use gnome 40. And by gnome shell I meant a theme for the top panel, app drawer, icon folders, desktop right click, password prompt, you know all that shell stuff.
Have a gnome 40 on my fedora virtual box guest. Yes i know. Need some free time. At the moment im working as an hairdresser so i do writing themes in my free time which is limited. As soon as its ready i`ll publish.Maybed next week or month. In the meantime use xfce or mate.
@k-alz now included basic gnome shell efven if its mostly a placeholder panel and popover menus are now themed.!
10 nice , please keep update xfce version , can change this bar setting ? please see https://ibb.co/mBHKtfZ this panel bar i set it on top , right now always miss click to switch between two programs, can make it bigger like this https://ibb.co/bRGsGNx many thanks
In the gtk-3 source folder change inside _common.scss Line 4566, Line 4572 and Line 4582 margin:2px; to margin-left:2px;margin-right:2px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; ... Then run ./parse-sass.sh and do a relogin, sassc needs to be installed on your system.
On next days-/weeks update i' ll fix it but if you don`t wan't to wait : above is the code to fix this optical regression.
thank you
@gnomeuser now it should look ok.
very good , many thanks
10 very nice and well designed theme
10 Any plans for an Xfce version?