With the possibility of creating both, a top panel and dock, with everything you need to work.
> cyberpunk Layout for Latte Dock
cyberpunk is a simple layout that aims to be useful for the user in managing their desktop every day, in addition to having a great and pleasant appearance.
Therefore, each Dock, Panel, Sidebar and each widget, are placed and tested to be intuitive and useful while still having a cyberpunk, modern and simple appearance.
I hope you like it and enjoy it.
> Description of use.
Upper Section.
At the top are three docks, left, center and right.
In the right Dock there is an application menu, an application title widget and the global menu.
Running applications are located in the central Dock.
In the right Dock are the system tray icons.
Bottom section.
At the bottom there are three other Docs, distributed in the same way as the Upper Docks.
The left Dock contains only shortcuts for pinned applications.
The Central Dock contains the audio spectrum analyzer, "Panon", and two sidebar launchers.
The Right Dock contains the "Netspeed Widget", clock with date and the "User Switcher" widget.
Side Bars.
The sidebars are two, of course, the left sidebar contains all the information about CPU and Memory usage.
And the right sidebar contains, the upper part, three widgets, the notification, battery and brightness and audio and volume, in the center is a media player, and at the end is the virtual desktop pager.
As you can see, the Layout is very simple and contains everything that we use daily in our work on a machine, so its use is very intuitive and simple but it looks great.
> Installing Latte Dock
Thanks to the developer of Latte Dock now we don't need to install the git version because now the git version and the stable version are the same, so we can install the stable version from the repositories of each distro to have the latest Latte Dock.
But if you still want to install the Latte Dock Git version you can visit the Github repository and follow the steps to install it at INSTALLATION.md
But the recommendation is to install from the stable version from your distro's package repository since it is the same version.
> Importing Themes
To import the themes into Latte Dock you must run Latte Dock and then right click on any part of the Dock, then "Layouts" and "Manage Layouts", when the window opens look for "Import" click and Search where you have saved your downloaded theme file; now double click on the "In Menu" part, so you have access from the menu without opening the "Manage Layouts" window at any time, and that's all. Now you can enjoy any theme you like.
> Widgets or Plasmoids NEDDED!!
You need to install these Widgets to the Neonwave Layout work perfectly.
So right click on Plasma desktop and go to "Add Widgets", then "Get New Widgets" and then "Dowload New Plasma Widgets" and search for the next Widgets:
- Simple Menu
- Application Title
- Netspeed Widget
- Better Inline Clock
- Latte Spacer
- Latte SideBar
- Panon
- Dash to Panel Indicator
- Media Controler Plus
- Virtual Desktop Bar (For Version 2)
These are the external widgets that are needed, the others are already by default in KDE Plasma.
Icons and Theme used on Screenshot
From @yeyushengfan258
From @yeyushengfan258
But any Lyra theme works perfectly, enjoy it!!
Do not forget to vote if you liked this theme and leave a comment if you encounter any problems.
I hope you enjoy it!! };-]
Ratings & Comments
9 Great layout! It has become my go-to layout for both my main workstation and any other derivatives of it. The only issue I've encountered with it so far is that the side panels seem to disappear quickly after changing to the layout or whenever latte-dock starts.
Sorry, I'm an idiot. It turns out I was missing the Latte SideBar Button plasmoid. Everything works great now!
The widget Virtual Desktop Bar (For Version 2) does not seem to be available anymore. the top left simple menu is empty. maybe thats why
I have two small issues, and I'm assuming I did something wrong. I'm running EndeavourOS (and arch based disrtro) KDE the notifications are popping up in the middle of my screen, attempting top change the position throguh the normal notification settings seems to haven o effect. Additionally, the sidebar on the right displays the message "Notification service not available. Notifications are currently handled by KDE Plasma"
Hello, lancaban, sorry for the delay in replying. With the problem you report, Could you provide a screenshot? With the "Notification service is not available. Notifications are currently handled by KDE Plasma", that happens to me when I have a KDE panel that has the systray applet that handles notifications by default, that could also be the reason for the notifications appearing in the centre, could it be that you still have the default KDE panel in hidden mode? I have tested the layout and everything seems to work fine.
That was it actually!! Thank you, I feel dumb now. And after a reboot, the positioning of the notification pop-up corrected itself. (I don't reboot very often, sorry for not getting back to you sooner)
8 8 great, could use an upgrade along with HTML Wallpaper by the-unknown here on KDE . I am on Garuda Arch Linux. ;)
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 Thanks for the quick help. Actually it's all working fine now. I can add application launchers to the dock. It's an amazing layout. Great job!
I tried adding an application launcher by dragging the icon to the bottom left dock from Krunner but it's not working. Which other options do I have?
1. right click the desktop -> Add Widgets 2. drag n' drop it from Plasma Widgets Explorer on the dock
10 Hi. The preview video has a different layout. Could you upload that version too?
10 11/10 form and function meets aesthetic and class. Great job.
Thank your very much, amoral-man };-]
10 Wonderful night city
Thank you, rbn43 };-]
9 I think this layout is great, but be ware that Panon spectrum analyzer doesn't appear to be working after KDE frameworks updates to 5.76. If you run the suggested qt5 sockets that Panon lists for KDE Framework 5.63, it will lock your Latte dock. There doesn't appear to be an issue way to unlock it, unless you have a Timeshift restore point prior to running the these packages. I look forward to installing panon again when it is compatible with KDE Frameworks 5.76.
Sorry for the delay in responding and thanks for the report, @techno. Well, regarding what you mention, I have been doing the tests and rebuilding the layout and there is nothing wrong with the Panon Widget, maybe you have forgotten to install the dependencies that the widget needs. In the KDE Store, in the Widget description, the widget creator says which dependencies are needed for Panon to work perfectly, I have installed everything necessary and everything has worked perfectly, I have done tests on Arch Linux, Manjaro, KDE Neon, Kubuntu and POP_OS KDE version and everything works fine; remember that you should always update all widgets and their dependencies. And it is not necessary to resort to TimeShift, all you need is, when you are in the login screen, press "CTRL + ALT + F1", this leads you to obtain a shell, you log in and then navigate through the directories to the path: "~ / .config / latte /", then you delete the cyberpunk Layout and reboot the system with "sudo reboot" and that's it, you don't need to use TimeShift to go back to a recovery point and lose the changes you made after the recovery point with TimeShift, after deleting the Layout you can log in again and Latte, not finding the Layout of the configuration, shows the Layout by default. Either way, the Layout is up to date and tested on various distros and works very well, thank you for your comment };-]
9 9 excellent
Thank you very much, @Axel };-]
How do I add apps to the bottom left launcher?
You can do it from "Kruner", you run "Kruner", look for an application and then drag and drop the application into the Dock, but I will fix this issue that many have had in the update.
Love the layout. It's amazing. Only issue I'm having is the same as the OP. I can't for the life of me pin anything to the bottom left launcher. I've tried through context menus from the bottom right task manager and krunner as well and still no dice. Any advice on how to go about this would be great. Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to your next project and reply. Thanks for everything.
Sorry, i forgot to rate :D