After a long time again I give maintenance to this project, taking into account that recently one of macOS Big Sur came out, I will not recreate it not only because I do not like it, but because there are already several Latte Dock Layouts from the same.
However, I leave you my repositories where I am uploading a lot of material related to macOS and that can help you improve the design to your liking.
- Will you add a Latte Dock Side Bar? A = Of course, but in the future, this will be when the Latte Dock v10 is not in beta, this is because many do not know how to install the "beta" version and because in my case when I was using it, it gave me certain problems when pc. . ------------------------------------------------------ INSTALL LATTE DOCK:
Debian: sudo apt-get install latte-dock
-Based on Linux: sudo pacman -S latte-dock
-Fedora: sudo dfn install latte-dock
You can use Discover Store too / You can use the Discover store too
-Install everything that is asked of you -Keep in mind that sometimes in some distributions not all themes (for some reason) can work, even so you can put others if you like -If you like another size, color, window theme, icons, plasma themes, very good, not bad, it is even good to add your special touch (optional) -DO NOT USE THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNTAINS IN THE TERMINAL (it may give errors)
-Install everything that is asked of you -Keep in mind that sometimes in some distributions not all themes (for some reason) can work, even so you can put others if you like -If you like another size, color, window theme, icons, plasma themes, very well it's not bad, it's even good to add your special touch (optional) -DO NOT USE THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNTAINS IN THE TERMINAL (it may give errors)
A few days ago I found out about something called be: shell (which is a dead project I think) and oh my god! For 5 years they already had a good macOS design. In case someone curious interests you, here is a screenshot of what it was like and a repository in case you want to see what the topics were like.
(The right side panel like macOS is NO LONGER AVAILABLE, try looking for it but apparently it was canceled)
Repository Themes:
Fantástico trabajo. Quisiera hacerte una consulta. Yo en el latte dock, estoy utilizando Launchpad Plasma y quiero ubicarlo en segundo lugar (contando desde la izquierda) al lado del ícono de Dolphin. Que en realidad es como está en el dock de una mac. ¿Sabes cómo puedo hacer eso? Desde ya gracias. Saludos
¿Cómo lograste que los elementos de Dolphin estén ligeramente separados como en macOS? ¿Y cómo le agregaste la barra de búsqueda? Son cosas que me encantarían saber
Jajaja, es tan fácil como decirte "separadores", esta esta opción para modificar lo que es Dolphin y puedes agregarles separadores para que se ve ha así. :3 Espero te sirva
If you want a launcher that looks a lot like the actual MacOS Launchpad, install Slingscold by running these in the terminal:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo sed -i.bak 's/eoan/bionic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/noobslab-ubuntu-macbuntu-eoan.list
sudo apt install slingscold
The first command adds the PPA with the app. The second command will change the repository to use the Bionic sources so you can actually access the most recent version.
Note: I didn't come up with this myself! :D
I am going to review well that is intrigued me, your idea looks interesting: 0 Since the Plasma Launchpad can also be customized by changing the space and size for that reason it is very stuck in the image because if I put a previous configuration of mine (I have a screen with a high resolution) when someone with a lower resolution use it, that will go off the screen (believe it I already tried it with a friend xD) Thanks for comment! I'll keep it in mind!! :3
99 excellent! ¡Fabuloso trabajo! ¡Felicitaciones! Ignoraba que podía adoptarse esa disposición de ventana con Chrome. ¿Y en cuanto al icono de Siri, se trata de Mycroft y otra cosa?
-How much will you update it? R = Every so often for small minor details or some specific error
-What I recommend most to have to see well are the ICONS those HAVE THEM INSTALLED because if you apply others, you may see it is ugly.
-When you apply the Layout, not so many application launchers will appear below. Why? So that they do not take up a lot of space and with another menu that has the same Arrangement, the chords, those that are in the images are the ones that I normally use.
-Cada cuanto lo vas a actualizar? R= Cada poco tiempo por pequeños detalles mínimos o algún bug que aparezca
-Lo que más recomiendo tener para que se vea bien son los ICONOS esos TENLOS INSTALADO porque si aplicas otros, puede que se ve ha feo.
-Cuando apliques el Layout no van a aparecer tantos lanzadores de apps abajo ¿Por qué? Para que no les ocupe mucho espacio y con otro menu que tiene el mismo Layout los agreguen, los que estan en las imagenes son los que yo uso normalmente.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
A few days ago I found out about something called be: shell (which is a dead project I think) and oh my god! For 5 years they already had a good macOS design. In case someone curious interests you, here is a screenshot of what it was like and a repository in case you want to see what the topics were like. (The right side panel like macOS is NO LONGER AVAILABLE, try looking for it but apparently it was canceled) Image: Repository Themes:
1 don't like copycat
What app is that for siri? On the Top
It is just Decoration
Fantástico trabajo. Quisiera hacerte una consulta. Yo en el latte dock, estoy utilizando Launchpad Plasma y quiero ubicarlo en segundo lugar (contando desde la izquierda) al lado del ícono de Dolphin. Que en realidad es como está en el dock de una mac. ¿Sabes cómo puedo hacer eso? Desde ya gracias. Saludos
> - Window Decoration: McMojave Aurorae Install SierraBreezeEnhanced for better performance and the "Unison hovering" effect.
10 10 the best
¿Cómo lograste que los elementos de Dolphin estén ligeramente separados como en macOS? ¿Y cómo le agregaste la barra de búsqueda? Son cosas que me encantarían saber
Jajaja, es tan fácil como decirte "separadores", esta esta opción para modificar lo que es Dolphin y puedes agregarles separadores para que se ve ha así. :3 Espero te sirva
Los separadores si los conozco, pero a mi no me separan TANTO como en la imagen
If you want a launcher that looks a lot like the actual MacOS Launchpad, install Slingscold by running these in the terminal: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:noobslab/apps sudo sed -i.bak 's/eoan/bionic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/noobslab-ubuntu-macbuntu-eoan.list sudo apt install slingscold The first command adds the PPA with the app. The second command will change the repository to use the Bionic sources so you can actually access the most recent version. Note: I didn't come up with this myself! :D
I am going to review well that is intrigued me, your idea looks interesting: 0 Since the Plasma Launchpad can also be customized by changing the space and size for that reason it is very stuck in the image because if I put a previous configuration of mine (I have a screen with a high resolution) when someone with a lower resolution use it, that will go off the screen (believe it I already tried it with a friend xD) Thanks for comment! I'll keep it in mind!! :3
9 9 excellent! ¡Fabuloso trabajo! ¡Felicitaciones! Ignoraba que podía adoptarse esa disposición de ventana con Chrome. ¿Y en cuanto al icono de Siri, se trata de Mycroft y otra cosa?
Corrección: "Y en cuanto al icono de Siri, ¿se trata de Mycroft u otra cosa?"
Sí, se entendió perfectamente. Gracias por la explicación y de nuevo: ¡Felicitaciones por el gran trabajo!
-How much will you update it? R = Every so often for small minor details or some specific error -What I recommend most to have to see well are the ICONS those HAVE THEM INSTALLED because if you apply others, you may see it is ugly. -When you apply the Layout, not so many application launchers will appear below. Why? So that they do not take up a lot of space and with another menu that has the same Arrangement, the chords, those that are in the images are the ones that I normally use.
-Cada cuanto lo vas a actualizar? R= Cada poco tiempo por pequeños detalles mínimos o algún bug que aparezca -Lo que más recomiendo tener para que se vea bien son los ICONOS esos TENLOS INSTALADO porque si aplicas otros, puede que se ve ha feo. -Cuando apliques el Layout no van a aparecer tantos lanzadores de apps abajo ¿Por qué? Para que no les ocupe mucho espacio y con otro menu que tiene el mismo Layout los agreguen, los que estan en las imagenes son los que yo uso normalmente.