Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38
Description:Open images in new tab and enlarge for full view!
CAMEO Manjaro
This theme is an interpretation of what should be a modern Manaro-styled GTK3-theme.
It has all the benefits of my Gnome-Prof-theme (better scaling and better font-rendering)
Five versions available:
- Cameo-Manjaro
- Cameo-Manjaro-DS (with a dark sidebar in nautilus filemanager)
- Cameo-Manjaro-Dark
- Cameo-Manjaro-Light
- Cameo-Manjaro-Light-DS (again, with a dark sidebar in nautilus-filemanager)
And a matching gnome-shell theme.
How to install:
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory, or better copy to /usr/share/themes for system-wide use.
Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take effect !
This is only GTK3 (no GTK2 support) and only works in the gnome-desktop.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
8 8 great
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
7 7 good
9 9 excellent. Simply works even on Plasma 5.18. Beautiful!
10 10 the best
Would be very helpful if you could add the name of the theme variation in the corner of each screenshot. Thanks
10 10 the best
Thanks Paul. When I use Gnome-Tweaks, the main title seems to be missing. See http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=18171218513218361825 Same thing with Cameo-Ubuntu. Thanks!
Deliberately, because Tweak has a bug when moving the buttons to the left. This rzmoval of the title is juist a hack until the developers come up with a solution
Understood, thanks!
10 like it.
10 10 the best
Hi paul, I found issue with chromium tab font color, same with Cameo-Ubuntu. Regards https://www.cjoint.com/doc/20_06/JFjgIN2dYlh_screen214.png
If you choose to go for the smaller titlebar (not using system titlebar and border) the font is normal. But I will look into it...
10 10 the best. I'm really surprised that it doesn't have a better rating
10 10 the best. Yes ! The best !!