Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38
Description:Open images in new tab and enlarge for full view!
These themes are a collection of color-variants of the Cameo-Dark-theme
It has all the benefits of my Gnome-Prof-theme (better scaling and better font-rendering)
8 versions available:
- Cameo-Dark-Red
- Cameo-Dark-Dark-Blue
- Cameo-Dark-Green
- Cameo-Dark-Purple
- Cameo-Dark-Orange
And each with a matching gnome-shell theme.
How to install:
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory, or better copy to /usr/share/themes for system-wide use.
Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take effect !
This is only GTK3 (no GTK2 support) and only works in the gnome-desktop.
Ratings & Comments
7 7 good
So beautiful but please make a pink version
9 A dark version, with background more black (but not #000) would be 10!
really liking the Black version and using it - kinda felt left out so here's my screenshot https://ibb.co/mcWgKTp
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
This is how my desktop look https://i.ibb.co/mSYSj8W/Captura-de-pantalla-de-2020-06-18-02-37-21.png I use your gtk (and shell) theme and Suru icons with Paper folders icons. I did some changes at your theme, I changed the buttoms colors (minimixer, maxi, close).
Looks good!
I love it! I use the Cameo Dark Green Blue theme whit the "Paper" folders icons. May I ask for a similar theme but whit the colors of the ubuntu 19.10 version? is something like this https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AxYaeZaKdX8/XU1V8-Xye7I/AAAAAAAADIE/xU9VCUE2ahcSHGnFhFGmpyuqVpCb5ydrQCLcBGAs/s1600/yaru-rebase-adwaita-gtk3-twf.png thanks!
Great themes -- but no GTK2 support is a bummer. I've added a symbolic link to "../Mc-OS-Transparent/gtk2" (an other theme of yours, but with gtk2 support), and this will do for a while, but that will get overwritten if and when you bring out a new version -- so may I politely minimal request gtk2 support)? Without it my last few gtk2 apps are so ugly...
And one with color scheme of pop_os ?
I just added a separate version Cameo-POP!-OS
Thank you ;-)
Same with light themes ?
10 10 the best