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This is the a dark Cameo theme with aluminium headerbars. It has all the benefits of my Gnome-Prof-theme (better scaling and better font-rendering)
3 versions available:
- Cameo-Alu-Dark with a matching gnome-shell theme. - Cameo-Alu-Dark with a blue selected color and matching shell-theme - Cameo-Alu-Night, an easy-to-the-eyes theme for working in a dark environment.
Now with support for Dark-Mode and adapted to work with 4K. Now also support for GTK2.
How to install:
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory, or better copy to /usr/share/themes for system-wide use. Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK. LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take effect !
This is only works in the gnome-desktop.Last changelog:
Excellent! I wish there could be light version of that too, I think Retro-56 could be the white version of Cameo-Alu-Dark, the only thing the title bar sizes differs. Cameo-Alu-Dark has perfect sizing, could be repeating in Retro-56 or light version of Cameo.
8Thanks so much for adding the gtk2 support! It makes qt5 apps look good too, with the older and more reliable QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 method. This is a really massive improvement, and it really helps, so thanks again!
I still really love the contrasts within the dark greys of this theme, and the unusual lighter title bars. Aesthetically it's really pleasing overall, somehow.
Please can you add a keyboard focus highlight for buttons? This is really important for accessibility! The Skeu and Menta themes look good at this, and even Adwaita gets the job done in a basic but ugly way. If you can navigate gtk3-widget-factory without the mouse, you're on the right track!
The background color for highlighted text is too close to the text entry background color where there isn't any text. It makes highlighting text hard with the mouse. Quickest example I can think of is in Nautilus, and pressing Ctrl+L to enter a location manually. It highlights the current path for you, but you don't necessarily see that with this theme as of 1.5 / 1.5.1 even the blue-highlight variant. It'd be OK to reduce text contrast in the highlighted area I think, and lighten the highlight's background color so it's distinct?
Hey, paulxfce,
In Cameo-ALU-Dark-1.5 :
- line 1675 should be " background-image: linear-gradient(to top, @color_700, @color_600);"
- and line 2834 should be " color: @color_600; }"
Otherwise, your themes are still great.
Could we chat in private?
Ratings & Comments
Excellent! I wish there could be light version of that too, I think Retro-56 could be the white version of Cameo-Alu-Dark, the only thing the title bar sizes differs. Cameo-Alu-Dark has perfect sizing, could be repeating in Retro-56 or light version of Cameo.
10 10 the best
9 Very good.THANKS !!
5 dark color selection on dark baground, oh well..
10 what icon theme is this (folders)?
9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 Everything works as advertised, great theme
10 10 the best
1 Broken without compositing
10 10 the best
5 ...mac style...
10 10 the best
8 8 great
9 good theme i am use at gnome , can you add support for xfce ? i have one old notebook run at xfce , many thanks
9 9 excellent
8 Thanks so much for adding the gtk2 support! It makes qt5 apps look good too, with the older and more reliable QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 method. This is a really massive improvement, and it really helps, so thanks again! I still really love the contrasts within the dark greys of this theme, and the unusual lighter title bars. Aesthetically it's really pleasing overall, somehow. Please can you add a keyboard focus highlight for buttons? This is really important for accessibility! The Skeu and Menta themes look good at this, and even Adwaita gets the job done in a basic but ugly way. If you can navigate gtk3-widget-factory without the mouse, you're on the right track! The background color for highlighted text is too close to the text entry background color where there isn't any text. It makes highlighting text hard with the mouse. Quickest example I can think of is in Nautilus, and pressing Ctrl+L to enter a location manually. It highlights the current path for you, but you don't necessarily see that with this theme as of 1.5 / 1.5.1 even the blue-highlight variant. It'd be OK to reduce text contrast in the highlighted area I think, and lighten the highlight's background color so it's distinct?
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
Hey, paulxfce, In Cameo-ALU-Dark-1.5 : - line 1675 should be " background-image: linear-gradient(to top, @color_700, @color_600);" - and line 2834 should be " color: @color_600; }" Otherwise, your themes are still great. Could we chat in private?
I have sent a private message
Can't read messages for now because my mailbox is compromised ...
Ok, thanks ... tonight ...