Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38
Description:Open images in new tab and enlarge for full view!
This is the a dark Cameo theme with aluminium headerbars and traditional title-buttons.
It has all the benefits of my Gnome-Prof-theme (better scaling and better font-rendering)
2 versions available:
- Cameo-Alu-Dark-traditional (black selected color) with a matching gnome-shell theme.
- Cameo-Alu-Dark-blue-traditional (dark-blue selected color), again with a matching gnome-shell.
How to install:
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory, or better copy to /usr/share/themes for system-wide use.
Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take effect !
This is only GTK3 (no GTK2 support) and only works in the gnome-desktop.
No support for 200% scaling
Ratings & Comments
10 Bug report: strangely enough Audacious app is not themed. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/b1kPLrB This issue only happens with Cameo-Alu-Dark-Traditional. The app is correctly themed by all other GTK themes (from other authors). Hope you'll have time to make a fix.
Is Audacious gtk 2?
If it is a Qt app, then it searches for the gtk-2. This theme has no support for gtk 2.
I read on https://audacious-media-player.org/ that it is a Qt app. Now that you hint Qt is looking for gtk-2, I see that the other themes I use do have a gtk-2.0 directory. The sad thing is I saw a newer version of Audacious (v4.1). Installed it and now none of the theme could render its GUI. Well too bad. Maybe I should switch to another player.
This is truly the BEST GTK3 theme. I patiently tried the highest rated themes. I always go back to this one. The small title bar and the balance of color tones make this theme very usable over a long time.
10 10 the best
There is a bug in Firefox and Thunderbird. The min,max,close buttons are not in right size, it is bigger. Because that, there is a gap between the top of tab and the border of Firefox and Thunderbird - you can see clearly if the window is not maximized. And If the windows is maximized, there is a very small gap at top of tab.
Bug #2: Firefox & Chromium still have the MacOS style of window control buttons.
this sort of thing happens when switching themes. Just log out and back in. It'll work just fine
Oh sorry I forgot a details, I configure the window controk button on the top left corner (like on MacOS). Not sure if this is the cause to trigger the display bug mentionned below. This bug doesn't happen with your other Camio Alu theme.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
9 9 Beautiful as is the other Cameo Alu. Too bad I can't use either one being on Mint Cin, but I still feel compelled to give praise..
10 wow, very elegant and clean. Please create a set of icons that go with it.
10 Another great version. Personally I find this choice of black color very suitable for the selections. We are lucky to have you to enhance Gnome desktop.
Much appreciated you all. Thanks
sure !
1 gnome sucks
9 9 excellent Wish it comes in light flavour as well! ;)
10 10 the best