With the possibility of creating both, a top panel and dock, with everything you need to work.
The new version of macOS, macOS Big Sur, is just around the corner, and it is loaded with many new features; And many of us in the Linux Community want to experience an interface similar to that of macOS Big Sur. With that in mind I have decided to make a Layout for Latte Dock to bring a bit of what's new in macOS BS.
I hope you like it and enjoy it };-]
First of all, you need to install Latte Dock and a few Widgets or Plasmoids, to make it work properly.
> Installing Latte Dock
Thanks to the developer of Latte Dock now we don't need to install the git version because now the git version and the stable version are the same, so we can install the stable version from the repositories of each distro to have the latest Latte Dock.
But if you still want to install the Latte Dock Git version you can visit the Github repository and follow the steps to install it at INSTALLATION.md
But the recommendation is to install from the stable version from your distro's package repository since it is the same version.
> Importing Themes
To import the themes into Latte Dock you must run Latte Dock and then right click on any part of the Dock, then "Layouts" and "Manage Layouts", when the window opens look for "Import" click and Search where you have saved your downloaded theme file; now double click on the "In Menu" part, so you have access from the menu without opening the "Manage Layouts" window at any time, and that's all. Now you can enjoy any theme you like.
> Widgets or Plasmoids NEDDED!!
For mcOS BS Layout to work properly, you need to install these Widgets.
So right click on Plasma desktop and go to "Add Widgets", then "Get New Widgets" and then "Download New Plasma Widgets" and search for the next Widgets:
List of Widgets from left to right and Need to install
- Kpple Menu
- Window Title
- Global Menu
- Better inline Clock
- Latte Side Bar
- Control Centre
- Networks
- Big Sur Inline Battery
- Volume
- Search
- Bluetooth
- System Tray
Inside the Latte Side Bar
- Notifications
- CalendarWL
- Media Player
- CPU Loader Monitor
Need to install
- Window Title
- Latte Side Bar
- Latte Spacer
- Latte Separator
- Better inline Clock
- OSXLaunchpad
- Control Centre
- CalendarWL
- Big Sur Inline Battery
- Kpple Menu
And that's it, now you can enjoy a desktop with the appearance of macOS Big Sur.
Themes and icons used in the screenshots
From @vinceliuice.
From @zayronXIO .
Albert App Launcher BS Themes
All Wallpapers for mcOS Big Sur
Do not forget to vote if you liked this theme and leave a comment if you encounter any problems.
Please report any bugs to fix and update the Layouts, with your bug reports help to keep the updated layouts working in the best way, thanks for your support };-}
I hope you enjoy it!! };-]
Ratings & Comments
I'm not getting notifications for some reason. It's not the KDE plasma is handling them problem. If I use notifications from the system tray I see all the notifications. Currently I disabled that one but in the side bar I never get notifications. I can start thunderbird and see numerous notifications pop up but none of them show in the side bar. The one in the system tray works flawlessly though. Any thoughts? I used this in the past and I remember it worked then so I'm guessing I may have changed something somehow.
6 I *really* wanna love this but it doesn't work smoothly and completely as intended after installing. Idek what I did wrong, installed all widgets/plasmoids, but everytime I start latte the battery doesn't show up, there are uneven spaces for some reason, and the thing that ticks me the most off is just... the application title isn't centered. Don't feel like I should have to be working just to fix this... (I'm on Kubuntu, if that helps?)
Sorry for the delay. Yes, it must have some errors for sure, I haven't updated this Layout in quite a while, I have a few weeks off work and I plan to update it soon.
I see! I kinda missed the part where the last update was 2 years ago... are there any other recent ones I can enjoy meanwhile...?
It is already updated, I hope it works for you now, I have tested it on Fedora KDE and OpenSUSE KDE with Latte Dock installed from the Discover Store, since I have tested the GitHub version and it has thrown me several errors and application crashes.
10 10 the best
The global menu is not aligned next to Application title by default. I have to rearrange these widgets every time I start latte-dock. Is there a fix?
The application title is left aligned, whereas the global menu is placed next to the tray
10 How did you separate the pinned launchers and the currently opened programs? Im unable to put a separator between them and dont see an option in the latte dock config
nvm figured it out :P
Sorry for the question, but after the latest updates (Manjaro, kde plasma 5.22.5, Frameworks 5.86.0, qt 5.15.2, latte-dock-git from Pamac) the sidebar no longer works: clicking on the Latte Side Bar icon nothing happens. What can I do? I imported the layout again and updated the widgets, but without success. Thanks for your help.
try to use latest version for Latte Sidebar Button applet v0.2
it wasn't that easy for me, but updating Latte Sidebar Button applet to version 0.2 solved the problem. Thank you very much.
9 Was following a guide and came here. Freaking awesome! Thanks for creating this! I just got an issue with the "Finder File Edit View ..." functions. Probably because of a different system language. Do you got any advice? These functions appear in a different font aligned right instead of left.
First nice work :) How can I replace org.manjaro.pacman.desktop in the dock at the bottom with Discover ? I am on Kubuntu.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 Hi great job with the dock do you think it is possible to get the number of new activities on the icons (for example new updates or thunderbird unread mail count) as in the Mac dock? Thanks in advance for your great work.
Thanks to all for the help, but the extension indicated does not install in thunderbird 78.7.1 Manjaro 1.0. Also the plasma launchpad icon appears completely white in the dock (I use the large dock layout version on a 27 inch 4k monitor). I don't know if it matters, but it is no longer possible to install "libunity" which is optional in latte dock git (official repositories). System Info Manjaro KDE (plasma 5.20.5, frameworks 5.78.0, Qt 5.15.2, kernel graphics GeForce gtx 1050. Thanks for any suggestions.
Sorry the latte-dock-git version is r4166.1dcf799d-1. libunity was remove from official repository and it is no possible buil it from AUR by pamac 10.0.4-2.
Hi, @pesgo, sorry for the delay in replying. First, have you tried installing Latte by cloning the repository and then compiling? I ask because I have recently updated Latte from Github and I have not had any dependency problems, but I have not done installations from AUR with Pamac, I did not know that there were problems with dependencies. Try installing from the Github repository. I will do some tests because I do my tests on a Manjaro KDE, and if I find the solution I will take the steps, since I do not use Thunderbird and I have not used the Latte Dock Thunderbird Extension. Second, with the problem of the totally white lauchpad icon, do this: right click on the Dock and then edit, then press the central button to move and edit widgets, you go to the Launchpad icon and a small menu will appear, deactivate the drop icon and that fixes the problem. Thank you for your vote, as soon as possible I will have an answer to the problem. Thanks again };-]
Thanks for the tips. As soon as possible I will try to follow your advice. I don't know why Manjaro has this problem, but I found this in the forum.manjaro "..... the error is with Vala, not Python. Libunity is deprecated and currently will not build with anything newer than Vala 0.42 it seems". Thank you again.
I installed the master branch from GitHub following the instructions after downloading the zip file and I had no errors. I solved the problem of the white icon with your instructions: now it shows correctly. Thanks a lot for the help.
I installed the master branch from GitHub following the instructions after downloading the zip file. I see that there are updates almost every day, but as I am inexperienced, how can I update the dock from GitHub? Thanks for your help.