Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Abdulkaiz Khatri
All macOS cursors are meticulously crafted by hand and built using open-source tools, ensuring high quality and attention to detail. They are freely available for both Linux and Windows platforms and are distributed under an open-source license, allowing for widespread accessibility and customization.
Check README.md for installation, uninstallation, personalize cursor sizes or colors.
Since the 'pling-factor' on the website has decreased and monthly payments are <500$, This project is now dependent on community funding and sponsorships. If you would like to help me maintain this project and my other open-source cursors actively, consider sponsoring just 1$/month or more on GitHub Sponsors, I will gladly look into it and post your avatar in the README.
XCursor Sizes:
16x16, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 28x28, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 88x88, 96x96
Windows Cursor Size:
- 22,32,43,64,86,171 - Regular
- 26,39,52,77,103,205 - Large
- 32,48,64,96,128,256 - Extra Large
License & Terms:
'apple_cursor' is available under the terms of the 'GPL-3.0' license.
Breaking Changes:
- macOS Monterey' Cursor deprecated
Changes for Developers/Package Distributors:
- The 'bitmaps' directory has been removed from the git repository. You can now generate the PNG files using yarn render' or download them from the release assets.
- The build.toml' file has been removed. Instead, the cursor build configurations are now distributed according to platforms within the 'configs' directory:
- configs/x.build.toml': Used to build XCursor.
- configs/win_rg.build.toml': Used to build regular size Windows cursors.
- configs/win_lg.build.toml': Used to build large size Windows cursors.
- configs/win_xxl.build.toml': Used to build extra large size Windows cursors.
What's New?
- feat: Redesign all cursor to latest macOS (Related to #95)
- feat: Added Person' and 'Pin' cursors for Windows
- Official Distributing 16' and '20' XCursors
- Multi Resolution Windows Cursors
- README.md: AUR docs added #91
- Attach version meta-data inside cursor packages
- Using [cbmp v1.1.1](https://github.com/ful1e5/cbmp/tree/v1.1.1) for rendering cursor bitmaps.
- Use 'xz' for better compression in build.sh' script
Issue Fixes:
- Fixed wrong animation #94
- Fixes #98
- Fixes #100
- Closes #95
Ratings & Comments
10 Still the best Mac-based cursor I found so far
The default size in Linux is too small and I can't find a way to adjust it, even by following the instructions. There is no "build.toml" file in the folder or anything related :(
I understand your frustration. The cursor size adjustment tool (clickgen) has undergone significant changes. I can't address them immediately due to time constraints. I plan to fix the issues over the weekend, releasing an updated version with detailed documentation. If you still face problems after the update, I'll create a custom package for your specific sizes.
Your effort is so appreciated, thank you for contributing so far
10 Out of all the BigSur/MAC cursors, this one works the best for me. Thank you for your work.
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Awesome. I was wondering how to get Mac/Apple Computer's cursor because I prefer those then the Windows 10 Cursors. Nice job, hope to see more content :)
it's really a nice cursor, good job dude. sometimes, i love a smaller cursor, and can you gimme the tutorial how to custom size on this linux cursor? i've seeing your github tutorial, but i still don't understand how, im a beginner
I'm working on that. I'll recommend you to check README.md once in while. Thank for the review.
10 10 the best
10 i love this cursor)
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
3 3 bad Looks terrible in 4k on win 10. Why skimp out on the resolution..?
check https://github.com/ful1e5/apple_cursor#customize-windows-cursor-size for custom build
10 my favourite icon theme. just always seems to work with any configuration.
6 6 okay
9 Can you reduce the white border width a bit ? it's too big on cursor sizes 32 and above.
Added in TODO. It Will be patched in the upcoming version. :)
10 10 the best
10 Finally, a new frequently updated cursor theme. Keep up.