Description: **Updated Master Zip with more saturated colors and now highlighted selections. And two icon pack to choose from.**
A full Matrix inspired theme. Includes icons and a xfce4 terminal color scheme. Also includes a notification theme. And a wallpaper. Credits are included in the zip. Made with oomox. Please let me know of anything that may need updating.
8Don't know if it's just me but the highlight for icons is so dark it makes the icons look like a black square and for text I can't even tell if it's highlited or not.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
8 Don't know if it's just me but the highlight for icons is so dark it makes the icons look like a black square and for text I can't even tell if it's highlited or not.
Hey, thanks for letting me know about the highlighted stuff. I just updated a new master pack with better colors and it has been fixed.