Available as/for:arm64armhfrelease-stablesource-packagex86x86-64
Description:A shell script script used to create backups of your home folder (only your personal files)
This script is used to copy contents of your home folder, to an external drive.
This script is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
REMEMBER, You MUST edit this file before usage.
It uses Rsync at it's core.
You will need to install rsync in order to run this script.
How do I run the script?
This script can only be run on Linux and macOS computers at the time. A Windows version of this script will come soon.
So, lets make the script exectutable. This can be done on Linux and macOS computers.
Open up a terminal and type:
chmod +x /Path/to/backup-all-your-files.sh (make sure to replace /Path/to with your desired username and file system)
Now, lets run the script (make sure you have edited it)
Type in the terminal:
/Path/to/backup-all-your-files.sh (again, make sure to replace /Path/to with your desired username and file system)
And........viola! Your backup will be in the external drive.
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