Description: A simple widget showing the state of the Nvidia GPU for Nvidia drivers > 435 using Prime Render Offload. You can buy me coffee or beer on Paypal or on Liberapay
6The plasmoid is good and works. But my shutdown became very high because of it. I guess the plasmoid process wasnt stopping and the system (using opensuse) just force stopped the system after 90s. So shutdown was taking like 2mins. It was fine after removing it. Maybe a bug you would like to look into?
10Hey, thanks for the widget, works great!
It would be cool if we could see the currently running processes using the nvidia gpu though.
There's a critical issue with running it on a wayland session as nvidia-settings doesn't support it as of now. It can be fixed by querying nvidia-smi instead.
I've changed line 40 in main.qml to the following to get it working:
executable.exec("nvidia-smi --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv")
I'm not a coder so I was surprised when I got it working, cheers!
Good day. Thanks for your feedback. When Nvidia GPU is disabled - icon is monochronic. Later I will make a selection of both icons for displaying the status.
Hello driglu4it, I was trying to reach you but I don't know how to use this website very well, I grab this plasmoid and I made some changes to it, I fixed the changing icon on refresh and added two buttons one that allows you to switch video cards and another that when you click on it opens the nvidia-settings, I would like that we can share some ideas to make this tool better.
Ratings & Comments
6 The plasmoid is good and works. But my shutdown became very high because of it. I guess the plasmoid process wasnt stopping and the system (using opensuse) just force stopped the system after 90s. So shutdown was taking like 2mins. It was fine after removing it. Maybe a bug you would like to look into?
Good day. Thanks for your feedback! I will look for it. If is bug, I'll try to fix it.
10 Hey, thanks for the widget, works great! It would be cool if we could see the currently running processes using the nvidia gpu though. There's a critical issue with running it on a wayland session as nvidia-settings doesn't support it as of now. It can be fixed by querying nvidia-smi instead. I've changed line 40 in main.qml to the following to get it working: executable.exec("nvidia-smi --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv") I'm not a coder so I was surprised when I got it working, cheers!
9 it so cool! works perfectly! please add option to change icon size and to pick custom icon, sir.
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent I have another widget idea, I would be very happy if you make a widget showing football score
Good day. Thanks for your feedback. Please write to me about the you idea to
10 Great! Just the icon could follow Breeze theme and be monochronic (Don't forget Breeze-dark ;)
Good day. Thanks for your feedback. When Nvidia GPU is disabled - icon is monochronic. Later I will make a selection of both icons for displaying the status.
10 10 the best
Good day. Thanks for your feedback.
10 10 the best Good work! Thanks!
Good day. Thanks for your feedback.
Hello driglu4it, I was trying to reach you but I don't know how to use this website very well, I grab this plasmoid and I made some changes to it, I fixed the changing icon on refresh and added two buttons one that allows you to switch video cards and another that when you click on it opens the nvidia-settings, I would like that we can share some ideas to make this tool better.
Good day. You can write me to I will be happy to discuss your suggestions and corrections.