Minimal Clock
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other Plasma 5 Clocks:
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Ratings & Comments
8 Needed to edit main.qml as per the comments above, and then restart plasma. Looks nice, could do with a few optional settings, e.g. 12/24h format, transparency, something to differentiate the minute and hour blobs.
9 9 excellent
9 9
9 9 excellent
Nice clock! Just a tip: avoid using a timer to update the canvas, you can just set a property such: readonly property date currentDateTime: ? : new Date() and then: onCurrentDateTimeChanged: { canvas.requestPaint() } You don't even need timeChanged(), using the above property you can show the time like this: Label { text: currentDateTime.getHours() + ":" + ('0'+ currentDateTime.getMinutes()).slice(-2); .... It would be nice with a transparent background and customizable font (e.g: set outline and so on).
Thank you so much. I am planning to add more gradients and other settings. This was my first widget so I couldn't get hang of the various KCM and other modules
one more thing, you can draw text directly in the canvas with few lines of code, look at this:
baltolkien.. It seems to be an error due to Plasma version. You can edit the main.qml file and remove the 'import org.kde.plasma.private.aestheticclock' statement. It will work after that.
Thanks. It works perfect now. Great work.
Would love if you would rate.
Hello: I try to install this clock and I have this error: Error loadinf QML file: file:///home/baltolkien/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.aestheticclock/contents/ui/main.qml:13:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.aestheticclock" is not installed Any suggestion?
It seems to be an error due to Plasma version. You can edit the main.qml file and remove the 'import org.kde.plasma.private.aestheticclock' statement. It will work after that.