For example:
$ cd .local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/spectrum-classic-basic/
$ ./changeOpacity 40
Finally, switch to another plasma theme and back to see the new opacity.
A color-compatible theme based on the style of Breeze. The task indicators on the panel are minimal and more simplified. This project replaces the now discontinued Genome in favor of the new design directions Plasma is going in. Past designs only work with older versions of the desktop and are no longer possible today. To view them see, Dark and Light.
Ratings & Comments
9 Nice work, should be the default theme in Plasma;) Can you also specify what application style is used on the screenshot?
Thanks! The application style is a tricky question because... it's Breeze. What about the appearance do you want to get?
Really? I thought that it's your Genome Spectrum theme for Kvantum. How did you add blur for Dolphin?
To get the look with Breeze you use esjeon's force blur script: and reduce the opacity of the window. To reduce opacity you go to System Settings > Window Management > Window Rules. Add a new rule, put "dolphin" in the Window Class and add the "Active Opacity" property. A high value like 95% is best because everything gets harder to see, including text and images. The Kvantum theme is probably a better choice.
9 9 excellent
Your screenshot suggest that the spectrum minimal classic plasma theme is a distinguished darkish theme. But is isn't. To my disappointment it is just a light theme...
Spectrum is color-adaptive. Whichever color scheme you are using is the color it will take on. If you would like it to be dark, simply switch to a dark color scheme such as Breeze Dark.
Oh thank you for your reaction. Good to know that it works that way...